
The following Operators can be used in expressions:

Arithmetic Operators

Using the following arithmetic operators you can make any type of calculation:

+ addition
- subtraction
* multiplication
/ division
\ integer division
% the remainder after division of integers
^ exponentiation
( opening parenthesis
) closing parenthesis
: time operator, multiplies the left operand with 60 and adds the right operand

If you would like to add the race number and the year of birth and multiply the result with two, use the following expression:

([Bib] + [Year]) * 2

Comparison Operators

Use the following comparsion operators to compare two values:

< less than
> greather than
= equal
<> not equal
<= less than or equal to
>= greater than or equal to

Logical Operators

Using logical operators, you can combine two conditions, for example in a Filter. The following operators are available:

Array Operators

If the Data field is IN or is NOT IN the text string, multiple values can be separated by commas.


[Contest] IN "2,4,8-10"
[Lastname] NIN "Smith,Doe"