The following Operators can be used in expressions:
Arithmetic Operators
Using the following arithmetic operators you can make any type of calculation:
+ | addition |
- | subtraction |
* | multiplication |
/ | division |
\ | integer division |
% | the remainder after division of integers |
^ | exponentiation |
( | opening parenthesis |
) | closing parenthesis |
: | time operator, multiplies the left operand with 60 and adds the right operand |
If you would like to add the race number and the year of birth and multiply the result with two, use the following expression:
([Bib] + [Year]) * 2
Comparison Operators
Use the following comparsion operators to compare two values:
< | less than |
> | greather than |
= | equal |
<> | not equal |
<= | less than or equal to |
>= | greater than or equal to |
Logical Operators
Using logical operators, you can combine two conditions, for example in a Filter. The following operators are available:
- OR (At least one of the values is true)
- XOR (Must be one OR the other, cannot be both)
Array Operators
- IN
If the Data field is IN or is NOT IN the text string, multiple values can be separated by commas.
[Contest] IN "2,4,8-10"
[Lastname] NIN "Smith,Doe"