Online Registration (Old)

This documentation refers to the old online registration module which is no longer be available for new events as of 1st August 2023.

Your Online Registration on can be configured and activated in the Window in section Online Registration.

A basic online registration form can look like this:

Basic Settings

Basic Settings

Check the box Activate Online Registration to activate the online registration and set the dates from when until when the online registration will be active.

The link "[Test Registration]" can be used to test the online registration before or after the registration period and also payments through the Online Payment will not be captured.

At Mode select if you want to offer single and/or group registration. Also, you can select Contest Dependent Registration. In that case each contest will have its own button on the start page and the registration forms for each contest can look very different.

When offering a group registration, set the minimum and maximum number of registrations per group registration. In most cases it will just be variable.

The group registration can be shown "as Table" like in an Excel spreadsheet or "as List". In the latter case several single registration forms will be shown one below the other.


Decide if all contest will be part of the online registration and if they are available for both single and group registration or only one of them.

You can also select Special Registration. In that case, the start page will show the single and group registration as usual and a separate button for this contest with special registration.

You can also define a maximum number of registrations for each contest and/or the entire event. All participants in your event file will be counted, no matter if they are online registrations or not. When using the mode Contest Dependent Registration you can also define a minimum/maximum number of registrations per contest.

Landing Page

Enter details you would like to share with the athlete before he/she starts the online registration process:

You can also enter a different text for the time before the registration period starts and for after the end of the registration period.

Optionally, you can hide the entry fee column in the list of contests or hide the entire list of contests.

In special cases you may want to rename the buttons "Single Registration" and "Group Registration".

Check Page

The Check Page shows the entries in the registration form again and additionally shows Rules of Participation (Waiver) that need to be accepted. Set the text for these rules here. Define additional conditions that need to be accepted by clicking a check box.

Confirmation Page

The Confirmation Page shows after the registration process is finished. Show a custom text here if needed calling any participant fields from the event file. Note that for Group Registrations, data is only shown for the first participant of the group. 

More Options

In rare cases you may want to allow duplicate registrations. Normally a registration will not be accepted if someone with that name and age is already registered for that contest.

Online Payment

Online Payment allows the participant to pay the entry fee during the Online Registration on

Selecting Payment Methods

First, activate Online Payment by checking the box Activate Online Payment and choose among the numerous payment methods you would like to offer. While doing so be aware of the following risks:

  • Currency Risk
    If you offer a payment method with a different currency (e.g. event in Switzerland, payment method using Euro) you carry the currency risk meaning that you might get less money if the exchange rates worsens. Of course, it might also happen the other way and you will get paid out more.
  • Security of Payment
    If you accept wire transfer as payment method, you do not have assurance that the participant will really transfer the amount. Even if they receive payment reminders, there is always a percentage that does not pay which leads to additional effort during the event. Transfer has its charms when there is a high entry fee as the fees are independent from the entry fee. However, there is also loss of money as participants register for the event, never pay and then do not take part, for example due to illnes.
  • Chargeback Risk
    Depending on the payment method, there is the risk involved that the money might be charged back. This might happen quite easily with direct debit - a short call to the bank is sufficient. The same might happen with credit card payments - a chargeback is possible but it demands more effort from the participant. If you allow a direct debit in the future, the likelihood of chargebacks will also rise.

Online Registration Contract

When activating payment methods where fees are charged, you will have to sign the Online Registration Contract before you can start using the online registration. When you need it, a link will show up in the settings.
Note that you need to file the contract only once per customer number.

DIY Payment Methods

We offer a select number of DIY payment methods, where you will collect the entry fees completely at your own risk. Please note that typically payment via credit card is the only supported payment method within these DIY Payment Gateways, even though they may offer a number of different payment methods.

Payment Fees

RACE RESULT charges a fee for the payment processing service. These fees depend on the payment method and are listed in the settings.
For certain DIY Payment methods RACE RESULT charges a service fee for use of the payment platform. These fees will vary according to the payment method.
These fees will be invoiced on a monthly basis on the last day of each month. If you are already using a payment method where you receive a payout from RACE RESULT then these charges will be deducted from your settlement. 

Special Settings

If desired, you can specify a different bank account for the payout (for this event, different from the one given in the Online Registration Contract) and also a different email for the monthly email with the settlement and a different customer number for the invoice. These functions are frequently used by race timers, who wish that payments and the invoice go directly to the race director.

Email Confirmation

In most cases you will want to send a confirmation email after the online registration. Activate the email by checking the box Send Confirmation Email and enter the sender email and if desired emails addresses which shall receive the email via cc or bcc.

Below, define the text for the email which can contain any field or function. In most cases it will be a full text expression.

Single and group registrations have separate settings for the text. For the group registration the text will be compiled by a header, a text per registration and a footer.


You can also add attachments to the email:

  • Certificate: a certificate from the Designer will be created for the participant and attached.
  • File: you can choose a file from Main Window->Pictures. The file does not need to be a picture, it can also be a PDF file for example.
  • URL: the URL will be called and the response attached as a file.

In all three cases make sure to enter the Attachment Name including the file extension, for example ImportantInformation.pdf. If you don't enter an Attachment Name, your attachment will be sent automatically as a PDF file.

When using a filter only participants fulfulling certain criteria will receive the attachment.

Form Fields

The Form Fields settings are some of the most important settings of the online registration. This is where you determine what kind of information needs to be given when registering. The usual fields are name, year of birth, address, etc. You can add fields, for example Additional Fields which you defined.

You can set the following settings for each field:


Give a description for the field if it is different from the normal name (e.g. "Distance" instead of "Contest").

Mandatory Field

Define if the field is mandatory, i.e. if it must be filled. Fields can also be mandatory only for the single or only for the group registration.

Common in Group Registration

Activate this option to show the field only once in the group registration. For example, the address is required only once whereas individual related data like name, year of birth, etc. are required for each individual registration.

You can also choose between the following options:

  • Yes, but at the end of the entry form: The field will be a normal common field, but it will be shown at the bottom of the registration form instead of at the top.
  • Yes, but only save for first registration: The field will appear like a normal common field, but the input will be saved only for the first registration.
  • Yes, but only save for first registration+at the end of the entry form: combiniation of the previous two options
  • Show every xth line: The field will be common for x registrations. For the next x registrations a new entry field will appear. This can be used for example, if the user shall be able to register several teams of 3 people within one group registration. The team name would be the common field that appears every 3 lines.


Determine if the field is displayed always or only for the single or group registration. Select Never to disable the field. This can be preferred over deleting the field if you would like to keep the settings for future reference.

When using the mode Contest Dependent Registration you can also determine that the field will only be shown for a certain contest. If the field shall be shown for several different contests, you can add it to the table multiple times.

Extended Settings

The Extended Settings for a field can be accessed through the button. If one or more of those settings are set, the icon will have a red background:

The Extended Settings are:

Color/Background Color

Select a RGB color for the text and/or the background of that line.


Decide if the text shall appear bold/italic/underlined.

Validation Rule

A Validation Rule is a filter. Only entires that fulfill the validation rule will be accepted. For example, the following validation rule only accepts Tom to be entered into the field Firstname.


Note that the validation rule could be entered for any field. However, the error message if the rule is not fulfilled will appear next to the field where the rule is entered.

A useful example would be:

 [Additional Checkbox 1]=0 OR [Additional Text Field 2]<>""

In this case there are two possibilities: either Checkbox is not clicked or there is also an entry into the Additional Text Field. In other words, if the Additional Checkbox is checked, something has to be entered into the Additional Text Field as well, otherwise the entry is not accepted.

If you want the entry to have a specific number of characters, you can use the function len:

len([Additional Field 1])=3

Only entries with three characters in the Additional Field 1 will be accepted.

Validation Error Message

The error message entered here will appear if the validation rule is not fulfilled.

Special Function

See next section Form Field Special Functions


Choose if the entry needs to be unique:

  • Unique per Group Registration: Only within the group registration the values need to be unique. This can be used for a triathlon relay where the group registration requires 3 registrations and each can choose between Swim, Bike, and Run. The uniqueness requires each value to be chosen only once.
  • Unique per contest: The value entered must not already exist in any record registered within the same contest.
  • Globally unique: The value entered must not already exist in any record.

Default Value

You can enter a value the field will be prefilled with.

Deviating Selection Values

You can change the available options in a dropdown list by defining Deviating Selection Values. For example, you have an ATF dropdown list called Wave with the values of Wave A; Wave B; and Wave C. Wave A has filled up and you no longer want it to show on the list, you would add Wave B and Wave C to the Deviating Selection Now Wave B and Wave C will show in your dropdown and Wave A will be excluded. Values. Make sure to separate values with a  semicolon.


Placeholder text is shown in the field normally as guidance as to what should be entered or the required format. This is hidden when any value is entered into the field and the placeholder will not be used if the field is left blank. 

Show Only If

Enter up to two conditions that need to be fulfilled for the field to appear. In many cases, certain fields only appear if a checkbox is checked.

The option Initial value is mostly used for the Online Self Service.

If you want to show a field based on the Date of Birth of the participant, you need to write the date of birth in the format yyyy-mm-dd.

Show only (Date Span)

Enter a date span if you would like the field to appear only during that date span. For example, after a certain date, a t-shirt cannot be ordered anymore.

Check Page

Determine if the field will appear on the check page.

Form Field Special Functions

For the form fields of the online registration the following special functions can be used. Choose among them in the Extended Settings.

Time Entry

Only a time can be entered, either as HH:MM or HH:MM:SS. For example, use this special function to request previous best times. This way it is guaranteed that values entered will always be entered in the same format.

Date Entry

A date in format DD.MM.YY can be entered. Note: the option does not have to be selected for the field DateOfBirth.
With the option show accepted dates of birth only it will only show valid years of birth according to the selected contest.

Year of Birth

Select a year of birth. Note: the option does not have to be selected for the field YearOfBirth.
With the option show accepted years of birth only it will only show valid years of birth according to the selected contest.

Championchip Code

Only valid ChampionChip codes will be accepted.


Only valid UCI IDs will be accepted.

Group Registration Count

The field will be hidden and filled with the number of registrations in the group registration. This is sometimes needed to calculate discounts.
This should be used in association with an ATF field, where the Field is your ATF and then that ATF will be filled with the number of registrations in the group, this is only applicable to Group Registrations. 

Upload File

A file can be uploaded and will be saved on a server. The URL of the file will be saved in the field.

Upload Picture

Same as File, but only accepts pictures.

Max. Value +1

The field will be hidden and the overall maximum value +1 entered into the field of the new registration. This way you can generate invoice numbers for example.

Max. Value +1 (Contest)

Same as Max. Value+1, but the maximum will be calculated over all athletes registered in the same contest.

Email Address

Only valid email addresses will be accepted. Note: Do not choose this function for the standard field email. No confirmation email will be sent in that case. The standard field Email will be validated automatically.

Additional Email with Confirmation Email

Only email adresses will be accepted and the confirmation email will be sent to it (additionally).


Only numbers will be accepted, either integer or decimal numbers. Use this feature e.g. for a donation option.

Password Entry

Password field, only asterisks are shown when typing.

Select Value

Only one of existing values in the field can be selected.

Propose Value

Same as Select Value, but also new values can be entered.


Select this option and enter an expression. The field will be hidden and the value is calculated through that expression.
When selecting after saving the value will be calculated after the payment processing and after saving the registration.
When selecting before saving the value will be calculated before the payment processing is started and before the registration is saved.


The field will be hidden and filled with the language used on

Swiss Runners Voucher

The entry will be validated to be a Swiss Runners Voucher.

Javascript Eval

Enter a Javascript function for advanced calculations for this field.

Select Wish Bib Number

The user can select his bib number. Make sure to define bib ranges for this function to work. Only functional in Single Registration.

Enter Wish Bib Number

Same as Select Wish Bib Number, but instead of a drop down box, a text box will be used. If the user can choose between thousands of bibs, the large drop down box would make the browser very slow, so this option is preferred in that case. Only functional in Single Registration.


Online Self Service

The Online Self Service allows the athlete to change his/her data after the registration. Settings are very similar to the Online Registration with the following exceptions:

  • Fields can be defined to be mandatory only if they are already filled.
  • Fields can be defined to be non-editable: the value will be shown but it cannot be changed.

The Online Self Service can be accessed by the athlete through a special link. This link can be accessed through the field [ChangeLink]. You can add this field to the confirmation email, so that the athlete receives this link directly when registering.

As a RACE RESULT 12 user you can find the link in the top right corner of the Participants Window:

Note that the link will only appear when the Online Self Service is activated.