Advanced Settings

Advanced Settings are applied to all registrations through the registration form for customising behaviour or styling. 


Check if gender matches first name - this will warn the user if they have potenitally entered an incorrect gender based on the first name. The data used here is based on trends accross all events stored on RACE RESULT servers and is not fixed in any way. 

Check if already registered - only accept a registration if there is not a registration already existing with the same Firstname, Lastname, Year of Birth and in the same Contest to prevent duplicate registrations / payments. 

CSS - Custom CSS that is applied to the whole page in which the registration form is loaded. 

Store Additional Values

This allows capturing of specific additional data to be stored with each registration, the value can be saved to any default or additional field. Optionally a filter can be applied to only save this for specific participants. These are stored when the registration is captured, and so are saved before any after-save actions are triggered.

Additional values will only be stored when the field is not part of the regular registration form fields, if the field is included then this value will always be prioritized. Additional fields can also be used for "show if" filters.

Note that the with the exception of source Expression - values should be entered as plain text, and not a RACE RESULT 12 expression, meaning there should be no quote marks around the value for plain text.

There are a number of different sources from which data can be pulled. 

Fixed Value - A fixed text value to be stored in a field

Expression - Calculate a value from an Expressions to be saved

Max Value + 1  - Takes the current maximum value for the specified field for all registered participants, plus one. 

Max Value + 1 (Contest) - Takes the current maximum value for the specified field for registered participants in the same contest, plus one. 

URL Parameter - Stores the value of the specified URL Query Parameter

URL - Stores the entire URL in which the registration form was loaded from

Name of Registration Form - Stores the name of the registration form

Language - Stores the language used during the registration process, this will be the language from when using the standard online registration. Note that this is only required for special applications as the default Language field will always be stored when saving the registration data.

Group Registration Count - The number of participants registered in the group registration.

Value From Login Record - Retrieves the value of the specified field for the participant record which is currently logged in, when using the my.rr login function.