Input Fields - Extended Settings

Deviating Field Label

If an alternative label should be shown for the field, this can also be multi-lingual.

Default Value

The default value when the field is first loaded.


A placeholder text to be displayed in the field before any value is entered.


Whether the value must be unique.

Refresh Form After Change

This forces the form to reload the displayed step when an input is modified, this can be used to update entry fees which would otherwise only reflect values calculated up to that step. This may also be useful for complex Show Only If evaluations. 

Selection Values

For any input field which provides multiple selection values (excluding Country / Nation selection), an additional table will be shown for the available options, certian values can be modified for each available option, including any blank / empty options

Control Type

For any input field which provides selection values (excluding Country / Nation selection) you can choose the input type in the form, three different types are available.


