When pressing the START button again in Timing Mode, an additional marker will be created. A marker is a fake detection with a certain bib number which can be used in the scoring software, e.g. to indicate the start of a second start wave.
To enable markers open the Trigger Impulse settings from the Menu, the Timing mode should be set to "default (+marker)".
Warning: Changing this without understanding the other modes will result in lost timing data. See Alternative Timing Modes.
Changing the Marker will cycle between 'off', the marker number which can be edited and the option to create a new file instead of a marker. It is good practice to ensure that the marker number does not overlap with your bib number ranges, this can be set to any value up to 999999. There also is an option to increase this number every time a marker has been created.
Markers can be set using accessories for the Feature Port or 3.5mm input of the Active Extension or Loop Boxes. To use the active extension input then ensure to change the I/O setting, on the second page of the Active Extension menu, to "Trigger In".
If using external inputs such as photocells or start gates you may wish to set the External Start setting to "yes". With this enabled the sensitivity of the trigger is increased to ensure all triggers are captured. When set to no the trigger pin is rechecked after a short delay (50ms) to prevent false triggers, but with high speed events this could result in missed triggers.
In RACE RESULT 12 markers are automatically identified and listed in the Start Times / Finish Time Limits menu, markers are stored internally with a bib according to the marker number set on the decoder.
Caution: If a marker number matches the bib of a participant in the event file then the marker will be assigned to the participant.
Alternative Timing Modes
Warning: These settings should be used with great caution, they are no longer recommended when timing/scoring with RACE RESULT 12 as markers can be assigned directly in the software.
By default the Timing Mode is set to +Marker which will add markers in to the passing file with the assigned marker number.
Alternatively it is possible to match markers to transponder reads on the decoder directly, this is used at events such as MTB downhill where the transponder is used for identification but the time should be taken from a marker from a trigger input such as photocells.
Depending on the setup you can assign the system to look for either: Chip first (1. Chip, 2. Photo cell) or the marker first (1. Photo Cell, 2. Chip).
A maximum time between chip / cell can also be set.
If a marker is not received in accordance to the rules, then the transponder time is not saved. For this reason this mode must not be used under normal circumstances.