Motorsport Setup: Important Notes

Loop setup

Loop width mainly depends on maximum speed and transponder location, use the following decision tree to evaluate the required loop width:

HINT: the loop should be placed before the finish line, so the transponder is in the middle of the two loop wires 
      when the front of the car crosses the finish line.

RECOMMENDATION: test the loop and identify the ideal loop width before cutting the grooves.

Hardware setup

HINT: wide loop and high loop power at low speed cause less precision. Most precise results with narrow loop 
      and low loop power.

RECOMMENDATION: set loop width and loop power to allow detection height of 2x mounting height. 
                If transponder is mounted to 20 cm height, it should detect in 40 cm height.
WARNING: The antenna is crucial for the communication of the timing device with the transponder!

Transponder setup