
Every new event file has numerous default Statistics, for example Club Statistics that shows the number of participants per contest and Club:

Create new type of statistics

You can easily create a new type of statistics. The most relevant settings are Rows, Columns, Field, and Mode.

In most cases you will use the mode Count: the number of participants matching the row and the column field will be counted.
Alternatively, you can select a field over which the minimum/maximum/average/sum will be calculated.

If you want to restrict the participants considered for the statistics, enable Only Finishers or enter a General Filter.

Special Types of Statistics

Besides these statistics there are some special types of statistics:

  • Participants Summary creates a PDF with a general statistics of the event.
  • DLV and LVN Event Report are reports for German federations.
  • Results Statistics shows how many participants have a time in each result.
  • Entry Fee Statistics lists all entry fees and calculate the sum over all participants for each entry fee.
  • AYN Statistics lists all AYNs and shows how many participants are ticked for the respective AYN.