
A Trackping record

Header Format Description
TrackpingNo Integer Trackping ID within the file
Customer Integer Customer ID the trackping was uploaded to
DeviceID String Device ID which recorded the Trackping
FileNo Integer File number the Trackping is saved to
BoxType String enum[ ATrack, PTrack ]
DeviceName String Name of the device which recorded the Trackping as of the time of recording
Code String Transponder code or number
Time String


Full DateTime of the Trackping

BoxTime String


Timestamp of the device when sending the Trackping

Received String


Timestamp of the server when the Trackping was received

Cell String Mobile network cell
Hits Integer Hits count
LAC String Location Area Code
MinRSSI Integer Minimal RSSI value of Trackping
MinTime String


Timestamp the minimal RSSI was recorded

OrderID Integer Order ID of the transponder
PeakIndex Integer Index of the highest RSSI value
RSSI Integer RSSI value of Trackping
Position Position Position of the device at the time the Trackping was recorded
BoxPosition Position Position of the device at the time the Trackping was uploaded