Ultimate Sport Service Relies on

RACE RESULT Active Systems

With Ultimate Sport Service, another major global timing and event services company decided to rely on race|result Active Systems. Based in Denmark, the company delivers high quality services to event directors all the way from registration to timing and results for races all over Scandinavia, but also globally as far as China. “After evaluating the RACE RESULT active technology, we are confident, that this platform is the choice of the future. It will provide a new foundation for extending our professional service provision to participants, spectators and event organizers”, says Managing Director Morten Toft.

The RACE RESULT active technology keeps expanding its significance as the timing solution of choice for elite sports events around the world. Its technology combines highest precision and reliability with unique features for triathlon, road race cycling or skiing: Track Boxes and Loop Boxes allow an easy setup of an unprecedented number of split points and live-visualization of the race.

© race result AG  

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