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More Security for Your RACE RESULT Account

Two-Factor Authentication Now Available

Data security is a crucial topic—especially when it comes to the personal data entrusted to us by athletes. To further protect your RACE RESULT account and participant data in RACE RESULT 12, we have implemented new security features!

Starting now, you can add an extra layer of protection to your account with 2FA. In addition to your password, you will need a second key generated in an authentication app. This makes it nearly impossible for unauthorized users to access your account.
Enabling 2FA is currently optional—but once activated, it cannot be undone. Please also note that 2FA affects API access to data in RACE RESULT 12.
A detailed setup guide is here in our Knowledge Base.

Easier Account Access for Other Users

If you work in a team, you can now grant other users access to your RACE RESULT account—without having to manage permissions for each event individually. If something changes, access can be revoked with a single click.
Important: The granted user will have access to all your settings and events. So, choose carefully who you share access with.
Details can be found here in our Knowledge Base.

© race result AG  


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