Payment & Finance Fields

Fields with the prefix OP refer to the actual Online Payment. If you perform any entry fee changes after a regular registration, it will change [EntryFee] but not [OPEntryFee]. Online Payment Fields always relate to the settings at the time of registration.

Field Explanation


ID of the payment process
OPBalance Balance of the online payment (<0: not paid completely, >0: paid too much)
OPBalanceDate Date of the balance entry
OPCurrency Currency used for the chosen payment method

Payment Method. 1=ELVD, 2=CCEUR, 3=CCCHF, 4=UEBD, 5=BAR, 6=SPF, 7=PPAL, 8=UEBCH, 9=VOUC, 10=EINZCH, 11=UEBAT, 12=SOFUEB, 13=ELVAT, 14=PPalGBP, 15=PPalUSD, 16=SEPA, 17=CCGBP, 19=SEPADATA, 20=OWNEPay, 21=OwnPPal, 22=OwnWireT, 24=OwnPaysBuy, 25=OwnPaytrail, 26=OwnOnePay , 27=TelrAccount, 28=OwnOnePay Domestic, 31=Stripe

OPEntryFee Total Entry fee charged through online registration

Amount to pay (currency of the payment method)

OPPaymentFee Total payment fees (currency of the payment method)

Payment fees covered by the participant.


Payment reference.

PaymentLink Link to pay remaining entry fee amount (no longer available since v12.5)
EntryFee Calculated entry fee
BasicFee Calculated entry fee without optional fees.
EntryFeePaid 1 if entry fee has been paid, 0 otherwise
PaidEntryFee Amount of entry fee paid during registration only.
AccountOwner Participant's bank account details.
AccountNo Participant's bank account details.
AccountNoX Account number with the last three digits replaced by X
BranchNo Participant's bank account details.
IBAN Participant's bank account details.
IBANX IBAN with the last three digits replaced by X
BIC Participant's bank account details.
SEPAMandate Participant's bank account details.
Bank Participant's bank account details.



Voucher fields use the Dot Logic for subsequent fields

Field Description
Voucher Voucher code used
Voucher.Amount Amount of Voucher
Voucher.Remark Voucher Remark