Team Lap Race: Additional Fields

When using the Team Score Lap Mode, the following additional fields can be used:

Individual participant fields:

TSx.Laps.Count Number of Laps by the individual participant.
TSx.Laps.Min   Fastest lap time of the individual participant as a formatted time.
  .Decimal a decimal value.
  .Lap Lap in which the fastest lap time was recorded.


  Average lap time of the individual participant as a formatted time.
  .Decimal a decimal value.
TSx.Laps.Max   Slowest lap time of the individual participant as a formatted time.
  .Decimal a decimal value.
  .Lap Lap in which the slowest lap time was recorded.
TSx.Laps.Sum   Sum of all laps by the individual participant as a formatted time.
  .Decimal a decimal value.
TSx.Laps.Last   Shows the formatted time of the participant's last lap.
  .Decimal a decimal value.
TSx.Laps.Stages Determines the number of times a participant has been on the course, independent of the total number of laps.
TSx.Laps.Lemans   The difference between T0 and the first time recorded, for example in a Le Mans style start. 
  .Decimal a decimal value.

Determines if this participant is the current one on course. Only applicable when the lap timing point is after the changeover area.

TSx.Lap(n)   Shows the time for lap n completed by the individual as a formatted time.
  .Decimal a decimal value.
  .Gun   Shows the total time after lap n completed by the individual as a formatted time.
    .Decimal a decimal value.
  .ToD   Shows the Time of Day after lap n completed by the individual as a formatted time.
    .Decimal a decimal value.


Team result fields:

TSx.TeamLaps.Count   Total number of laps for the team.
  .Women ...which were completed by female team members.
TSx.TeamLaps.Min   Fastest lap time of the team as a formatted time.
  .Decimal a decimal value.
  .Lap Lap in which the fastest lap time was recorded.
TSx.TeamLaps.Avg   Average lap time of the team as a formatted time.
  .Decimal a decimal value.
TSx.TeamLaps.Max   Slowest lap time of the team as a formatted time.
  .Decimal a decimal value.
  .Lap Lap in which the slowest lap time was recorded.
TSx.TeamLaps.Last   Shows the last lap time completed by the team as a formatted time.
  .Decimal a decimal value.
TSx.TeamLaps.Sum   Sum of all lap times by the team (excluding Le Mans start time) as a formatted time.
  .Decimal a decimal value.

Sum of all lap times by the team (including Le Mans start time) as a formatted time.

  .Decimal a decimal value.
TSx.TeamLaps.Stages Sum of the total number of times each team member has been on course.
TSx.TeamLaps.Lemans   Le Mans start time of the team (it is only recorded for the first participant to cross the timing point) as a formatted time.
  .Decimal a decimal value.
  .Bib Bib number of the team member who recorded the Le Mans time.
  .Time   Sum of the team's penalty times.
    .Decimal a decimal value
  .Laps Sum of the team's penalty laps.
TSx.TeamLap(n)   Shows the time for lap n completed by the team as a formatted time.
  .Decimal a decimal value
  .Gun Shows the total time after lap n completed by the team as a formatted time.
    .Decimal a decimal value
  .ToD Shows the Time of Day after lap n completed by the team as a formatted time.
    .Decimal a decimal value


Additionally, TSx.TeamLap(y).P.SomeField can be used to access the particpant who completed lap y. For example this field would return the last name of the athlete who completed lap 25 according to Team Score 1.
