Extended Settings

The Extended Settings for a field can be accessed through the button. If one or more of those settings are set, the icon will have a red background:

The Extended Settings are:

Color/Background Color

Select a RGB color for the text and/or the background of that line.


Decide if the text shall appear bold/italic/underlined.

Validation Rule

A Validation Rule is a filter. Only entires that fulfill the validation rule will be accepted. For example, the following validation rule only accepts Tom to be entered into the field Firstname.


Note that the validation rule could be entered for any field. However, the error message if the rule is not fulfilled will appear next to the field where the rule is entered.

A useful example would be:

 [Additional Checkbox 1]=0 OR [Additional Text Field 2]<>""

In this case there are two possibilities: either Checkbox is not clicked or there is also an entry into the Additional Text Field. In other words, if the Additional Checkbox is checked, something has to be entered into the Additional Text Field as well, otherwise the entry is not accepted.

If you want the entry to have a specific number of characters, you can use the function len:

len([Additional Field 1])=3

Only entries with three characters in the Additional Field 1 will be accepted.

Validation Error Message

The error message entered here will appear if the validation rule is not fulfilled.

Special Function

See next section Form Field Special Functions


Choose if the entry needs to be unique:

Default Value

You can enter a value the field will be prefilled with.

Deviating Selection Values

You can change the available options in a dropdown list by defining Deviating Selection Values. For example, you have an ATF dropdown list called Wave with the values of Wave A; Wave B; and Wave C. Wave A has filled up and you no longer want it to show on the list, you would add Wave B and Wave C to the Deviating Selection Now Wave B and Wave C will show in your dropdown and Wave A will be excluded. Values. Make sure to separate values with a  semicolon.


Placeholder text is shown in the field normally as guidance as to what should be entered or the required format. This is hidden when any value is entered into the field and the placeholder will not be used if the field is left blank. 

Show Only If

Enter up to two conditions that need to be fulfilled for the field to appear. In many cases, certain fields only appear if a checkbox is checked.

The option Initial value is mostly used for the Online Self Service.

If you want to show a field based on the Date of Birth of the participant, you need to write the date of birth in the format yyyy-mm-dd.

Show only (Date Span)

Enter a date span if you would like the field to appear only during that date span. For example, after a certain date, a t-shirt cannot be ordered anymore.

Check Page

Determine if the field will appear on the check page.