Online Training 2021

Please find below a list of all sessions of our Online Training 2021. Each sessions includes a record of the session, as well as further description and files where applicable.

If you have any question on any of these sessions, please reach out to us on

#1 Basic Event Setup (14/04/2021)

Topic: Basic Event Setup - First steps in setting up an event file

This is an introduction on the first steps to follow when setting up an event file. This include general event settings, contest settings and participant settings. The latter are mainly looking at defining the structure of your database and creating all required data fields.

Please note this is a record of the live session. When referring to questions, these have been asked live during the session.


#2 Online Registration & Online Self Service (21/04/2021)

Topic: Online Registration & Online Self Service

This session gives an overview about different options for the Online Registration and the Online Self Service on our platform You will find the file discussed in the session attached to this article to retrieve settings and play around with them. In order to test, open the file and check it in to your account. Once it is online, you need to activate

Please note this is a record of the live session. When referring to questions, these have been asked live during the session.

#3 Splits (28/04/2021)

Topic: Splits

This session gives an overview about the Splits functionality. As an example we use the Major Event template, which you can easily redo when creating a new event.

Please note this is a record of the live session. When referring to questions, these have been asked live during the session.

#4 Expressions & Functions (05/05/2021)

Topic: Expressions & Functions

This session gives an introduction into expressions, functions and user-defined fields/functions. As this is a quite theoretical topic, most of it is explained in a presentation, and only towards the end we look into the software.

Please note this is a record of the live session. When referring to questions, these have been asked live during the session.

#5 Output lists and statistics (12/05/2021)

Topic: Output lists & Statistics

This session gives an introduction into output lists and how to set them up. At the end of the session we briefly talked about statistics as well. You will find the files that we worked with attached to this article.

Please note this is a record of the live session. When referring to questions, these have been asked live during the session.

#6 Simple API (19/05/2021)

Topic: Simple API

This session gives an introduction into Simple API. Through Simple API you can not only publish lists or certificates on a static URL, but you can do much more with it.

Please note this is a record of the live session. When referring to questions, these have been asked live during the session.