Most likely, to save time and money you will want to offer online registration for your event. Included in our service, is free usage of our sports portal my.raceresult ( which lists your event so that race participants can find you quickly and easily.
Your event page on contains the pages Info (for general information), Registration (for online registration), Participants (in order to publish participant lists), Live (active during the race day for live results), Results (for the publication of result lists and certificates), Reviews (for comments), and Contact (to contact the event organizer or timekeeper).
All pages can be customized through the Window in RACE RESULT 12. We will now address each setting in more detail.
Basic Settings
In order to publish your event on, click on the tab at the top of the general window. Then, accept the general terms of use and activate the checkbox Publish event on
An individual cover picture is recommended and gives your event a special touch.
In the Sub Page Settings menu it's possible to make changes to all the relevant pages of the platform.
Online Registration
The options that refer to the online registration can be set in the page Registration. Activate the checkbox Activate Registration Registration in the Basic Settings overview in order to enable online registration on and adjust the registration period.
Scrolling down in the Registration Forms section, you can define which Form to publish on the page, add additional Info Text and decide either to show the entry fees or not.
For testing purposes, at the bottom of the page you can find the TEST MODE where registration can be tested before the beginning of the registration period, without capturing payments. In this case we highly recommend setting the end date of test mode, for avoiding participants registering without paying fees.
The creation of the Registration Forms can be done under Main Window > Registration Forms. Here you can define all the steps like the form fields, the payment method, the confirmation page and the confirmation email to be sent at the end of each registration. More detailed information can be found here.
Publishing List and Certificates
In the pages Participants, Live and Results you can define which lists from the Output Window, and which race certificates and links will be published on The certificates and links can then be accessed by clicking on a participant's name in a result list. You can setup and configure pages for the Participants with an entry list e.g., a Live page with live results direcly from the track and a Result page for publishing the results after the race. For each page you have different settings, and you can vary the date when the certain page has to be active.
In order to publish a list or a certificate, simply select it in the drop-down box and define for which contest it shall be published.