Certificate Sets will be created in the Output Window. A certificate set contains the Certificates for certain participants in a given order. The settings for a certificate set decide:
- for which participant a certificate will be created
- which certificate (layout) is used
- how the certificates are ordered
For example: the certificates of the first three of each age group ordered by the age group name and the age group rank.
Select a certificate set in the Output Window and then click on Settings to access the following settings:
Certificate Layout
First, select the Certificate layout which should be used.
Then choose if you would like to create individual or team certificates. If you choose Team Certificate (1 per Participant), certificates will be created only for members of a team. If you select Team Certificate (1 per Team) a certificate will be printed only for the first member of each team.
For which Participant do you want to create certificates?
You can further limit for whom certificates will be printed. Oftentimes certificate sets are filtered by a rank, for example if you want to print certificates for only the best three. You can also enter a general filter.
Order of the Certificates
Determine in what order the certificates will be created.