The Colors of the text elements on Lists and Certificates can be adjusted. By default all texts are shown in RGB-black.
RACE RESULT 12 supports RGB colors as well as CMYK colors.
The colors of the columns in a list can be edited in the Extended Column Settings. You can use the following formats:
- a hex value, like in HTML (RGB), e.g. #FF3300
- RGB as a decimal value, e.g. 255,51,10
- CMYK as a decimal value, e.g. 30,30,30,100
In Certificates, both RGB and CYMK colors can be set via the tool bar at the top of the screen.
With the help of Dynamic Formatting, fields can be formatted differently for each data record.
The following website is useful for picking colours and can convert between HTML, RGB and CMYK:
CMYK Colors
RGB colors
RGB is a color space for screen colors. The colors on your monitor are put together by the components R=red, G=green and B=blue. An RGB color value consists of three values between 0 and 255 which are often specified as hexadecimals between 00 and FF. The higher the value, the stronger the color - white has the value #FFFFFF or (255,255,255) and black has the value #000000 (0,0,0).