Country |
Participant's Country of residence |
Nation |
Nation the participant is representing (Nationality) |
Country and Nation are two fields with special characteristics. By nature they are pure data fields and can store any value, e.g. GER, Switzerland, AT, USA, 840, etc.
The following fields can be called using the Dot Logic.
Country.Name |
Country/Nation name in native language (e.g. Deutschland, Österreich) |
Country/Nation name in a given language of the software's translation table. E.g. Country.Name.en returns the country name in English | ||
Country.IntName Nation.IntName |
Returns the same as Country/Nation.Name.En which is the commonly recognised International Name | ||
Country.MultiName Nation.MultiName |
Returns a multi-language String which can then be displayed in the chosen language, e.g. for online results lists to show countries in the users local language. Note that this will drastically increase the size of the list when loaded and so may impact loading speeds for large lists of data. |
Country.Alpha2 Nation.Alpha2 |
2 Letter country code according to ISO 3166-1 | ||
Country.Alpha3 Nation.Alpha3 |
3 Letter country code according to ISO 3166-1 | ||
Country.IOC Nation.IOC |
Country code according to IOC | ||
Country.UCI Nation.UCI |
Country code according to UCI | ||
Country.Flag Nation.Flag |
Displays the flag of the Country/Nation | ||
Country.Currency Nation.Currency |
Returns the 3-letter currency code for the national currency | ||
Country.isEU Nation.isEU |
Returns 1 if the country is recognised as part of the EU, otherwise returns 0 |
These fields are derived from the fields nation/country and cannot be changed. They interpret the value in nation/country and return the corresponding value. For example, Nation.IOC always gives back GER, no matter if DE, DEU, Deutschland, Germany or GER was entered / imported. This way, the nations are displayed uniformly on participant or result lists, especially useful when participant data comes from different sources, e.g import via Excel-files or entry into the Participant Window.
The Participants Window saves the numerical code according to ISO 3166-1
Legacy fields:
Country.HomeName Nation.HomeName |
Deprecated |