Fields with the prefix OP refer to the actual Online Payment. If you perform any entry fee changes after a regular registration, it will change [EntryFee] but not [OPEntryFee]. Online Payment Fields always relate to the settings at the time of registration.
Field | Explanation |
ID of the payment process |
OPBalance | Balance of the online payment (<0: not paid completely, >0: paid too much) |
OPBalanceDate | Date of the balance entry |
OPCurrency | Currency used for the chosen payment method |
OPMethod |
Payment Method. 1=ELVD, 2=CCEUR, 3=CCCHF, 4=UEBD, 5=BAR, 6=SPF, 7=PPAL, 8=UEBCH, 9=VOUC, 10=EINZCH, 11=UEBAT, 12=SOFUEB, 13=ELVAT, 14=PPalGBP, 15=PPalUSD, 16=SEPA, 17=CCGBP, 19=SEPADATA, 20=OWNEPay, 21=OwnPPal, 22=OwnWireT, 24=OwnPaysBuy, 25=OwnPaytrail, 26=OwnOnePay , 27=TelrAccount, 28=OwnOnePay Domestic, 31=Stripe |
OPEntryFee | Total Entry fee charged through online registration |
OPToPay |
Amount to pay (currency of the payment method) |
OPPaymentFee | Total payment fees (currency of the payment method) |
OPUserFee |
Payment fees covered by the participant. |
OPReference |
Payment reference. |
PaymentLink | Link to pay remaining entry fee amount (no longer available since v12.5) |
EntryFee | Calculated entry fee |
BasicFee | Calculated entry fee without optional fees. |
EntryFeePaid | 1 if entry fee has been paid, 0 otherwise |
PaidEntryFee | Amount of entry fee paid during registration only. |
AccountOwner | Participant's bank account details. |
AccountNo | Participant's bank account details. |
AccountNoX | Account number with the last three digits replaced by X |
BranchNo | Participant's bank account details. |
IBAN | Participant's bank account details. |
IBANX | IBAN with the last three digits replaced by X |
BIC | Participant's bank account details. |
SEPAMandate | Participant's bank account details. |
Bank | Participant's bank account details. |
Voucher fields use the Dot Logic for subsequent fields
Field | Description |
Voucher | Voucher code used |
Voucher.Amount | Amount of Voucher |
Voucher.Remark | Voucher Remark |