Decoder Firmware

The latest firmware version is: 2.67

Version 1.94

Released: 2016-07-29

  • NEW: General: Timezone can be set on the device itself. Note: You might have to reapply the correct timezone.
  • MOD: Upload: Status is updated more frequently, remote commands are executed faster.
  • FIX: Active: Fixed minor issue when setting channel/loop power.
  • NEW: Interface: Additional TCP/IP commands (includes setting the timezone, reaction/dead time, ...).
  • NEW: Interface: "Upload" interface supports more commands.

Version 1.96

Released: 2016-09-08

  • NEW: Active: The system is now able to update a Active Extension V2 to the latest firmware version. (You will be asked if you want to update an extension after connecting it.)
  • NEW: Active: Show an X on the screen when a loop ID collision occures.
  • FIX: Active: Loop ID was sometimes reported as 256.
  • FIX: Active: Directly after connecting, an invalid (loop) status was reported.
  • FIX: Active: Menu indicator could be wrong after leaving the ative menu.
  • FIX: Upload: Battery level was sometimes reported as > 100%.
  • FIX: Upload: 2G/3G reconnect could get stuck.
  • MOD: General: After this update, firmware updates will be possible without external power, if battery level is >= 50%.
  • MOD: Interface: When enabling push passings, you can now specify a record from which to start pushing existing passings.

Version 1.98

Released: 2016-10-31

  • MOD: New implementation of GPS time sync. Leap seconds configuration is now semi automatic. Auto mode needs an up-to-date firmware version to work correctly. Auto start will fall back to inaccurate time instead of 00:00:00. Timeout increased to 12 minutes.
  • NEW: Passive: Output power can be configured on US systems.
  • NEW: Active: Show firmware version of Active Extension when updating/in info screen.
  • FIX: Active: A communication error could occur when changing active settings.
  • FIX: Active: Active Extension would sometimes not recover after a communication error.
  • FIX: Active: Status report of other loop boxes could be invalid.
  • MOD: General: Slight changes on battery indicator.
  • FIX: Upload: Menu could hang when connecting to LAN after uploading via 2G/3G had connection problems.

Version 2.01

Released: 2017-02-23

  • MOD: General: Completely rewritten battery status indicator code.
  • NEW: General: START button/impulse can now be configured to generate a new file instead of a marker detection.
  • NEW: General: It is now possible to archive all current passings files. Archived files will be put into a separate directory (on USB drives/the web interface).
  • NEW: General: When using estimated GPS time, a * is displayed next to the time in the main menu.
  • FIX: General: Pressing START while GPS dialog was displayed was not working.
  • FIX: General: Powering off while GPS dialog was displayed was powering the system off, but was not indicating it.
  • FIX: General: After inserting a non-working USB thumb drive, inserting an actually working USB thumb drive did not work.
  • FIX: General: Adding/removing servers for client mode in the web interface could lead to multiple connections to the same host.
  • NEW: Active: Warning when channel survey is about to be executed while system is in operation mode.
  • MOD: Active: Made noise warning a little less trigger-happy.
  • FIX: Active: On some systems an old bootloader version was reported even if the most current bootloader version was installed.
  • FIX: Active: After entering the channel menu, some Active Extension Versions could stop detecting transponders.
  • FIX: Active: Connecting a V1 active extension after a V2 active extension could result in flashing the V2 firmware onto the V1 device.
  • MOD: Passive: Preparations for upcoming UHF firmware versions.
  • NEW: Developer: System will braodcast UDP discovery packets on port 3601.
  • NEW: Developer: Functions to create a new file, stream old file data and archive files.
  • NEW: Developer: Status record now contains whether time is currently running or stopped and whether time was set manually or by GPS (and if the letter was only estimated).

Version 2.02

Released: 2017-03-16

  • NEW: General: Roaming supported in 2G/3G auto mode.
  • FIX: General: Old passings file were not copied to USB thumb drive when passings file were never archived..
  • FIX: Passive: Stopping/Starting timing mode while the UHF unit was in an error state could prevent a fast recovery.

Version 2.04

Released: 2017-04-08

  • FIX: General: For some systems, the battery charge percentage never reached 100%.
  • FIX: Active: Setting loop power could freeze the system under rare cicrumstances.
  • FIX: General: Fixed possible problems with executing commands via upload connection (i.e. race|result System Online source in the race|result Connector).
  • NEW: Interface: Online status contains box name.

Version 2.05

Released: 2017-05-12

  • NEW: Active: Firmware 2.5 bundled.
  • NEW: Passive: New UHF firmware bundled.
  • NEW: General: Added static link to latest passings file to web interface.
  • MOD: General: Moved "Archive Files" feature into the "System" sub menu.
  • MOD: General: Slightly changed how archived files are displayed in the web interface.
  • FIX: General: Blanks in decoder name prevent upload from working.
  • FIX: General: Negative time stamp output.

Version 2.06

Released: 2017-06-01

  • MOD: General: When a USB drive is replaced with another one mid-race, the new drive will now contain all passings of the current race.
  • MOD: Active: Also detect Active Extension when decoder is in timing mode. Decoder will ask whether you want to stop timing mode.
  • FIX: Passive: Made UHF unit detection more robust.
  • NEW: General: Support for an additional LCD model.

Version 2.07

Released: 2017-06-26

  • NEW: General: Added additional auto start modes
  • MOD: Passive: Connection losses to UHF unit are handled more gracefully.
  • MOD: General: Improvements when creating a new file while a huge amount of detections occur
  • FIX: General: Message box could show wrong arrow symbols.
  • REMINDER: Firmware 2.5 for the Active Extension is bundled since version 2.05 of the decoder firmware with the following changes:
    • MOD: Improved noise measurement
    • MOD: Improved site survey
    • MOD: Decoder will display the actual loop power when hitting the loop limit
    • NEW: Dual channel structure for v2 transponders
    • FIX: Beacons bugfixes
    • FIX: Other internal improvements and bug fixes
    To upgrade the firmware of a v2 Active Extension, simply connect it the decoder after boot and wait for the prompt. No internet connection is needed.

Version 2.09

  Released:  2017-08-15
  • FIX: General: Stalled TCP/IP connections could result in an unresponsive decoder menu when changing network settings. (Detections were sill recorded and stored.)
  • FIX: Interface: FIX: Interface: "SETCONFIG;DETECTION;NOTIFICATION;..." would return "SETCONFIG;DETECION;s" in an error case

Version 2.11

  Released:  2017-10-02
  • NEW: Passive: Different new passive "detection modes". Note that the "Detection every dt ms" mode was also re-implemented.
  • NEW: General: Diagnostics data ("log files") can now directly be uploaded to race|result from the decoder (using 3G, too) or a web browser.
  • MOD: General: Show both Upload- and client mode status information if both are enabled.
  • MOD: Active: Changed "NO LOOP" error message to "LOOP ERROR" message so that it is consistent with the other boxes.
  • MOD: General: Added proper up and down arrows as menu characters.
  • MOD: General: Show "External Start" menu entry for every trigger mode.
  • MOD: General: Increased max. dead time/reaction time (for new UHF timing modes)
  • MOD: General: Reaction time is not visible in active mode.
  • FIX: General: 2G/3G (re-)connect can be aborted.
  • FIX: General: client mode connection attempts would block normal incoming connections.
  • FIX: Passive: handle more UHF issues gracefully.
  • FIX: General: Latest passings file link in web interface does not work when there are only archived passings
  • FIX: Active: beacon RSSI output in web interface was placed in the wrong column.

  • Version 2.14

      Released:  2017-11-14
  • NEW: General: Web browser beeps when decoder beeps (long beeps only).
  • NEW: Interface: Allow to set customer number and SIM PIN.
  • MOD: Passive: Handle more UHF reader issues gracefully.
  • FIX: General: Enabling client mode without network connection could prevent Active Extension from being recognized.
  • FIX: General: Broadcast is not sent when there are more than a few decoders in the local network.
  • FIX: General: Client mode connection could get closed, but not marked as closed and thus did never reconnect.
  • FIX: General: Initial part of client mode connection process could be seen as successful even if it was not.
  • FIX: General: Changing connection from 2G/3G (auto) to 2G/3G (manual) while connected, prevented deconnecting from 2G/3G
  • Version 2.17

    Released:  2017-12-09
  • MOD: Passive: Do not insist on proper passings sort order for modes other than the traditional detection mode. (Quicker results.)
  • MOD: Passive: Detection Mode (First+Last) will be the default detection mode after an upgrade. (If you did not install firmware version 2.11 or another intermediate version.)
  • MOD: General: New keypad+shutdown handling.
  • NEW: Passive: Warn when we are pretty certain that a wrong antenna is connected or the antenna is strongly off-tune.
  • MOD: General: Decrease system load when copying passings files to USB.
  • FIX: General: Fixed possible issue with custom upload URLs.
  • FIX: Passive: Tried to work around rare antenna disconnect issues.
  • FIX: General: In rare circumstances, decoder could freeze, If data could not be sent via TCP/IP.
  • NEW: General: You can switch between normal upload and a upload process which is currently being tested. Do not chose the new upload target unless we told you to. Your passings will not be uploaded.
  • Version 2.18

    Released:  2018-01-09
  • NEW: Active: V2 channel switching mode can be monitored and configured via menu and TCP/IP interface.
  • NEW: General: If a crash is detected, the decoder will try to recover to the previous state and prepare additional diagnostics data.
  • MOD: Passive: "Normal" transponder detections are also written to emergency file when decoder is configured to only react to test transponder in test mode.
  • MOD: General: Adapted temperature measuring algorithm. Provided values were too high.
  • FIX: General: When resetting to factory defaults, set upload method to the current,stable upload method.
  • MOD: Interface: GETACTIVESTATUS contains additional information.
  • MOD: Interface: SETPROTOCOL with <=x: set to max. x

  • Version 2.20

    Released: 2018-02-09

    • MOD: Active: Show '...' in the menu while changing loop ID. (It can take a while in AUTO channel mode.)
    • FIX: Return loss warning is shown when connecting antennas while the system is turned on.
    • FIX: Active LED was off when a return loss warning was issued.
    • MOD: General: Default to 2G/3G upload when reverting settings.
    • FIX: Active: Crash while shutting down message.

    Version 2.22

    Released: 2018-03-26

    • FIX: Firmware 2.20 was too large for some decoders. Decreased Firmware size.
    • MOD: Decreased return loss warning threshold for AU.
    • FIX: Active: Loopboxes connected to V1 Active Extensions might not appear in the new timing module.
    • FIX: General: Detection count displayed on decoder screen might be wrong.
    • FIX: General: Marker number might disappear in menu.

    Version 2.25

    Released: 2018-06-11

    Please note: Mobile handling was completely refactored. If you are using the internal modem, test it after upgrading!

    • NEW: General: Moved mobile modem handling into separate process.
    • NEW: General: Decoder now determines automatically if upload via Ethernet is possible.If not it will automatically try to use the mobile connection.
    • MOD: General: Simplified mobile configuration web interface.
    • MOD: General: Mobile modem handling refactored. Should be more robust and should connect faster.
    • NEW: General: Mobile connection process will be started while booting if one of the auto-start options is selected. (-> Faster connection process)
    • NEW: General: Support for RR SIMs -> no configuration required.
    • NEW: General: When using AUTO APN settings, the decoder stores the last successful APN setting per SIM. (-> Faster connection process)
    • MOD: General: Updated AUTO APN lists.
    • FIX: General: Support for 3 digit MNCs in AUTO APN mode.
    • MOD: General: Do not waste all remaining PIN retries.
    • NEW: General: If the decoder can reach the Internet via Ethernet, this is indicated with a * near the IP address on the decoder status screen.
    • NEW: General: Added DNS cache.
    • FIX: General: DHCP lease is now stored.
    • MOD: General: Network handling refactored.
    • MOD: General: Enabled TCP keep alives. Should close some stalled connections.

    Version 2.27

    Released: 2018-07-10

    • NEW: Mobile handling: Store (and use) successful AUTO APN configurations not only per SIM but also per network.
    • MOD: Mobile handling: Do not try other APNs after upload was disabled.
    • FIX: Mobile handling: Fixed an issue with slow SIM cards.
    • NEW: Active: Option to ignore passings with less than x hits. x defaults to 2. (Default will be changed to 1 with next version.)
    • FIX: General: Show client mode connection status again.
    • FIX: General: Marker detections could get more than one hit and were not recognized by software, then.
    • FIX: General: GPS: Always use 18 seconds as leap seconds for now.
    • FIX: General: Menu could stop responding when a broken USB drive was used.
    • MOD: General: Do not copy old passings file to USB drive again when they have the same size.
    • FIX: General: LCD backlight was never turned off.
    • MOD: Mobile handling: When restoring factory defaults, default to HTTP+TCP upload for now.
    • MOD: Interface: Allow to specify timeout and whether or not to allow estimated time when setting GPS time.
    • FIX: Interface: Beacon data could be invalid when using a V1 Active Extension.

    Version 2.28

    Released: 2018-07-23

    • MOD: Active: Default for "discard passings with less than x hits" is 1 (=disabled)
      Note this update will reset that option to 1 if it was set to 2.
    • NEW: Active: Log discarded active passings to emergency.txt file
    • FIX: General: Upload diagnosicts message was not reset after uploading diagnostics
    • FIX: General: Passings count that is displayed on decoder screen could be wrong
    • FIX: Interface: start upload call

    Version 2.32

    NEW: General: Allow to specify host to ping for online connection testing
    NEW: General: Allow to specify DNS for mobile connections
    FIX: General: Fix 6 digit provider IDs in AUTO APN mode
    MOD: General: Do not load net providers if they are equal to alt. SIM providers
    MOD: General: Do not jump back to main screen when enabling/disabling upload
    FIX: General: Restart HTTP passings upload after successful status update
    MOD: Active: Max out at 9 for "discard passings with less than x hits"
    MOD: Active: Revert to less-than-x-hits = 1 if we are updating from 2.27
    NEW: Interface: GETSTATUS returns standby status (protocol version 2.5)
    NEW: Interface: Write file number to passings file, add file number to passing record (protocol version 2.5)

    Version 2.37

    Released: 2018-11-02

    NEW: General: You can start the running time by trigger without activating operation mode. To do so change to the running time screen, edit time, do not confirm by OK.
    MOD: General: More precise START (operation) trigger, both for active and passive triggers.
    MOD: General: Make it more clear when USB copying is done.
    NEW: General: Allow to switch to more performant data storage. This can speed up boot time. (All existing stored passings will be lost, config and passing file number will be kept.) Newer decoder will already use this data storage mode and thus the option is not available. If the option is available, you will find it under Menu -> System -> Switch to new storage method.
    NEW: General: Initial WiFi client support via distinct WiFi dongles for decoders which have enough memory to support it. Right now DHCP only. If you are interested, contact support.
    NEW: General: Show HW revision (including memory info) in info screen.

    Version 2.39

    Released: 2018-11-26

    NEW: Active: Tracking start and tracking stop modes are displayed in the web interface.
    NEW: Passive: Store antenna number which meassured the highest RSSI value along with passing.
    MOD: General: If you had previously issues and couldn't upgrade the Firmware of a decoder this upgrade might fix it.
    MOD: General: Removed "test only" hint from TCP upload configuration.
    MOD: General: Enhanced boot time in some circumstances.
    MOD: General: Improved upload handling when customer number changes.
    MOD: General: When in standby, check connectivity less often.
    FIX: Active: Possible issues when calculating the beacon checksum.
    FIX: General: Decoders do not show up in the timing module automatically when they should.
    FIX: General: Cancelling diagnostics upload can take very long. Progress when uploading a second time is not correctly shown.
    FIX: General: Mobile reconnect count and RSSI are swapped in traditional upload.
    FIX: General: Entering as an IP prevents that option from being changed again.
    FIX: General: USB sometimes displays 0 instead of n/a when no USB drive is connected
    FIX: General: Reverting to factory defaults did not always work.
    FIX: General: Keys in GPS time menu respond very slowly.
    FIX: General: Pressing START before the decoder finished booting prevents a successful boot.
    FIX: General: Subnet is always /24 when using DHCP.
    FIX: General: Hint to upload diagnostics is not cleared after uploading diagonstics via web interface.
    FIX: General: emergency.txt file might get cached in the browser.
    FIX: General: Custom 2G/3G settings cannot be cleared completely.
    FIX: General: Mobile reconnect in AUTO APN mode could take very long.
    NEW: Interface: GETFILEINFO call.
    NEW: Interface: Added antenna w. highest RSSI value and decoder ID to passings record.

    Version 2.41

    Released: 2018-12-11

    NEW: Networking: Support for static IP configuration when using WiFi.
    NEW: Mobile: Use provider DNS when is specified as DNS server.
    NEW: Networking: Fallback to known IP address when cannot be resolved.
    NEW: General: Show decoder ID in web frontend.
    FIX: General: Switching back to UHF wenn removing Active Extension while no external power is connected + recovering from UHF error is broken.
    FIX: Active: Issues when a high noise warning appears exactly while doing a channel survey.
    MOD: General: Changed network config menu slightly.
    MOD: General: Give immediate feedback when reverting to factory defaults.
    FIX: Active: Webinterface displays "Repeat, Stop" indstead of "Tracking, Stop" for management boxes.

    Version 2.42

    Released: 2018-12-20

    FIX: General: 2.41 broke name resolution when using a static IP configuration. Instead of the configured DNS server, was always used.

    Note that if you are running Firmware 2.41 you most probably have to enable DHCP to check for Firmware updates.

    Version 2.43

    Released: 2019-02-01

    • NEW: Interface: Allow to get/set UHF frequency for supported regions.
    • NEW: Interface: Allow to configure WiFi TCP/IP settings.
    • MOD: Interface: If available, push multiple passings in one TCP packet in push mode. Should increase throughput when there are many pending passings to be uploaded.
    • MOD: Active: Changed channel/loop ID display order to reflect the order in our other products.
    • FIX: Networking: Name server of static IP configuration could overwrite nameserver assigned by DNS.
    • FIX: Networking: WiFi passwords with special characters are not working
    • MOD: General: Always update GPS info - even if GPS time is not used - to get the decoder positions.
    • MOD: General: Improved uploaded passings count for TCP/IP upload.
    • NEW: Active: Standby/resume support when Active Extension is connected.
    • NEW: Active: Detect Active Extension in binary mode (e.g. after a reset).
    • FIX: Active: Recovering does not always work.
    • MOD: General: Renamed "HW" version to "MB" (mainboard) version so that it is not confused with the HW version which is mentioned on the lid.
    • FIX: Active: Connecting Active Extension/removing external power while the passive reader is in error state is not always handled correctly.
    • FIX: Interface: Actual network TCP/IP settings returned by GETCONFIG/SETCONFIG are not always correct.
    • FIX: After setting GPS time + having no GPS reception + leaving the decoder in test mode, the decoder could freeze after a few hours.

    Version 2.44

    Released: 2019-02-18

    • FIX: Passive: Since version 2.39 power and frequency (for regions which support it) cannot be saved permanently.
    • FIX: General: Arrow indicator in menu are not shown when there are more than two screens.
    • FIX: General: After many detections (>1500000), a proper shutdown is not possible.
    • FIX: Interface:While pushing many passings, other requests from the same connection are not handled. 
    • FIX: Interface: Keep trying to push passings if no new passings come in.
    • NEW: Interface: GETUHFINFO call.

    Version 2.45

    Released: 2019-04-02

    • NEW: General: mobile hot standby.
    • MOD: General: Close remote connections when an interface with higher priority is available again.
    • NEW: Interface: GETINTERFACES call to get status information about all network interfaces.
    • NEW: Interface: Allow to trigger Firmware upgrade via interface. Note that the decoder still has to download the update itself, so needs proper Internet access.
    • MOD: General: Make sure only one network route of the same kind exists.
    • MOD: Active: Show beacon dBm value in web frontend.
    • FIX: Active: Setting GPS time while connecting/disconnecting Active Extension.
    • MOD: Active: "channel switching mode" (ON) is now "V1 legacy mode" (OFF).
    • FIX: General: Arrow indicators are shown even if there are no more items on the next screen.
    • MOD: General: Menu, use yes/no instead of YES/NO.
    • NEW: Interface: Return file number for PASSINGS call.
    • NEW: Passive: Fetch and display an additional UHF error.
    • FIX: Passive: Setting frequency could show a UHF error.
    • MOD: General: Do not close popup messages when timing mode is started, do not go to main screen if popups are currently active.

    Version 2.46

    Released: 2019-04-10

    FIX: General: On rare occasions the decoder might fail to boot successfully when it has an Internet connection via Ethernet or WiFi or it might crash when such a connection becomes available after the decoder booted and the decoder is not in timing mode. If you are unable to upgrade the Firmware because of this bug, please contact support. Issue was introduced with 2.45.
    NEW: General: Support for 1NCE mobile provider.

    Version 2.47

    NEW: General: 5000s support.
    NEW: Interface: Allow to set GPS time in background.
    FIX: Passive: Sometimes a UKW error is displayed instead of a PHY error.
    FIX: Client mode does not use new TCP port after reconfiguration.
    MOD: Do not allow multiple GPS actions at once.
    FIX: Interface: GETSTATUS returns wrong status format for protocol versions 2.0 to 2.3.
    MOD: Active: Try two times to sync time when setting GPS time (AE might currently be initializing).

    Version 2.48

    Released: 2019-05-21

    • FIX: General: When UHF frequency is changed via Software, it is also applied, when the UHF reader is off (i.e. Active Extension is used and power supply is not connected). That causes a reader to turn on and a warning message is displayed.
    • FIX: General: 2G/3G is still displayed at one point in the decoder menu and in the web frontend even when a 4G module is in use.
    • FIX: Interface: Event ID field is invalid for active detections when pulling old files.

    Version 2.49

    Released: 2019-07-19

    • NEW: General: Ability to prioritize mobile connection compared to Ethernet/WiFi for remote connections
    • NEW: General: Show time of last marker on screen
    • NEW: Passive: Show which antenna has low return loss
    • MOD: Passive: Show confirmation message when timing mode is changed from chip only to another timing mode
    • Fix: Active: Under certain cicumstances an Active Extension can be recognized twice, leading to communication issues 
    • FIX: Active: When settings are applied concurrently, not all settings might actually get applied
    • MOD: Interface: Do not re-apply timezone, if requested timezone is already set
    • MOD: Interface: Do not re-apply UHF frequency, if requested frequency is already set
    • FIX: Active: Sub second time is wrong for negative times
    • FIX: General: Passings count is wrong when using markers with detection mode Last Detection Only
    • FIX: General: You cannot press START while GPS time is applied using the interface
    • FIX: General: Active passings with negative times and passings within the first second of successive dates can cause locked participants in race|result 11
    • FIX: Passive: Min/max frequency in info screen are sometimes swapped
    • FIX: Interface: GETFILE does sometimes return wrong passings count for the current file
    • Fix: Active: Muliple active triggers in rapid succession while in test mode can stop changing start/running time in decoder menu from working
    • FIX: Active: High noise warning directly after active extension is initialized can cause keys to stop responding
    • FIX: Passive: Clean-up is not working properly when UHF reader is not working properly

    Version 2.50

    Released: 2019-08-14

    • FIX: General: In rare cases, invalid internal formatting of sub second time may result in inaccurate times.
    • FIX: Active: Time synchronization can fail when there is some GPS reception and time is set using estimated time.
    • FIX: Active: In rare circumstances, the decoder hangs for a long period of time when pressing START right after an Extension was plugged in/power was disconnected.
    • FIX: 5000s, Passive: When storing a lower power setting permanently, it can get restored as a higher setting.
    • NEW: Passive: Show confirmation message when changing UHF power.
    • NEW: General: Support for hologram provider in auto mode.
    • MOD: Longer diagnostic history on decoders.

    Version 2.53

    Released: 2020-01-21

    • NEW: General: Added Shanghai, UTC and Taipei timezones
    • MOD: General: Updated timezone database to current state
    • NEW: General: Option to disable START via trigger impulse (and only allow marker detections)
    • MOD: General: Use new logo in web interface
    • FIX: Interface: Potential issues when parsing not well formed commands
    • FIX: Passive: For 5000s decoders an invalid UHF serial number is shown
    • FIX: General: Requesting the list of files in the web interface could potentially have unpredictable side effects
    • NEW: Active: When running on GPS time, warn when times of Active Extension and decoder drift
    • MOD: General: When not running on synchronized GPS time, display time with less decimals
    • NEW: General: Permanently compare time to GPS time and alert when a drift is detected
    • NEW: Interface: Added error flags to GETSTATUS call (protocol version >= 3.1). See
    • FIX: General: Stating/stopping operation mode concurrently via multiple channels
    • MOD: General: Tuned GPS time setting
    • FIX: General: Handling invalid internal system status data
    • MOD: General: Ensure data integrity when communicating with GPS module

    Version 2.54

    Released: 2020-02-13

    • FIX: Active: Firmware 2.53 does not work with V1 Active Extensions

    Version 2.55

    Released: 2020-04-15

    • NEW: General: Allow to export and import Decoder Configuration File via USB thumb drive.
    • NEW: General: Blinking dot while booting, indicating that the system is not frozen
    • MOD: Client Mode: Only fallback to cached DNS entries when server cannot be resolved
    • MOD: Active: Re-Sync Active Extension whenever time is set
    • MOD: General: Factory defaults will now enable the marker
    • NEW: Interface: Added external 12V to status record

    Version 2.57

    Released: 2020-11-24

    • NEW: General: Allow to import/export config via web interface
    • MOD: General: USB config import: Also look directly in the race result directory for configuration files
    • NEW: General: Allow to reboot decoder via web interface
    • MOD: General: Decoder will automatically temporarily switch to DHCP if a static IP is configured and it cannot check for update
    • MOD: Active: Everytime when an Active Extension is plugged in in operation mode, you will be asked if you want to use it. (Earlier, you were only asked once.)
    • MOD: General: Gathering diagnostics data does not use all available system resources
    • FIX: General: Diagnostics upload progress bar is not working properly
    • MOD: Default configuration is set to use TCP upload only and to only sync current file
    • FIX: General: Getting default IP address (config import, factory defaults) does not work
    • FIX: General: Increased stability while working with power status io
    • FIX: Interface: Possible issues while opening/closing client mode connections concurrently
    • FIX: Interface: For small files an invalid passings count could be returned
    • FIX: General: Display issues when boot process is not normal, introduced with blinking start up notification

    Version 2.58

    Released: 2021-06-07

    This update invloves one big change. It will remove the old HTTP+TCP upload and replace it with an upload which has a fallback from TCP protocol to a simplified HTTP protocol which will both use the same backend. This fallback will happen automatically. This has the benefits that you are not transfering the data twice (as you most probably have a bad connection when that happens) and that you do not have to switch the Software (or actually change anything in the timing tab of RR12) to receive those passings.

    • NEW: General: Always use rrsproxy as upload backend with automatic HTTP fallback if TCP connection does not work. If you want to use the transponder module (in most cases you shouldn't), the race result connector (you shouldn't) or are still using the old online storage API (you shouldn't) you have to switch the upload target in the decoder manually to "race result  (obsolete)". That upload target will vanish later in 2021.
    • NEW: Interface: IGNORETRIGGER allows to disable/enable feature port triggers
    • FIX: Active: Do not allow to set GPS time to estimated time when trigger starts operation mode.
    • FIX: General: SIM PIN display issue
    • FIX: General: Mobile status is sometimes displayed incorrectly

    Version 2.61

    Released: 2021-09-14

    • FIX: Upload: Verifying mobile connections sometimes failed when connection was actually good.
    • MOD: Upload: If mobile auto network registration does not work, iterate through available networks. This will help if your SIM supports multiple networks.

    Version 2.62

    Released 2021-12-29

    New: General: Support for SIGA replacement battery (chose in system menu, restart required)
    MOD: Upload: Add beacon mode to HTTP fallback
    FIX: General: Cust No is not shown when importing config file
    FIX: General: Importing config file in timing mode does not work

    Version 2.64

    Released: 2022-02-15
    FIX: General: GPS timeout on start-up does not always work when no communication with GPS module is possible.
    NEW: General: Support for decoders without UHF reader.
    MOD: Upload: Removed external antenna preference. You can now only enable/disable the external antenna.

    Note: After this update the mobile antenna will now be set to internal by default. If you wish to use the external antenna you need to change this in the upload menu, this is persistent after reboot. Note that selecting external antenna without an antenna connected may cause hardware damage and so care should be taken to only use this setting if absolutely necessary. 

    Version 2.65

    Released: 2022-05-31

    MOD: General: Improved battery indicator for SIGA replacement battery
    MOD: General: Warn when trying to do a Firmware upgrade via mobile connection
    FIX: General: Improve mobile connection with AT&T for some modems
    FIX: Interface: Sometimes the response to the RESUME command was not sent
    FIX: General: Sometimes a GPS warning was triggered incorrectly

    Version 2.67

    Released: 2023-10-26

    FIX: General: Allow to use estimated time when GPS module does not react
    FIX: General: Fixed a crash which could occure if GPS module sends invalid payload length information
    MOD: Interface: Allow to choose whether to store external antenna config
    MOD: Interface: Updated HTTP fallback URL