Event Settings

Main Event Settings

These are the most basic settings of an event including the Event Name and Date, the type and logo are used for the event listing on the my.raceresult.com platform. 

Localization Settings

The localization settings are used to set specific values for the event. 

Units of measurement determine whether the default values should be shown / calculated in metric or imperial units, this is used by for example the Splits setup and default functions for speed and pace (which return Km/h and Min/Km or Mph and Min/Mile accordingly). 

The special date format allows you to enter and display dates according to your local standard or a required format. 

Time zone is used for calculating the current time for the event, this is used when setting a date / time for which elements of the online platform (such as registration) should be available. This is also used to convert the UTC times from Track Boxes to the correct local time. 

The Text Ordering (Collation) allows you to define the mode of alphabetic ordering as different languages sort special characters in different ways.

The currency which should be used to calculate entry fees and to capture payment through the registration module. 

Event Location

The location is used by the my.raceresult.com platform to help users find events, it also sets the centre point of maps for elements within the software. 


Enter comments or weather information about the event, these can be later referenced in output lists for headers and footers so could be to note important changes to the event which may occur. 

User Defined Attributes

Attributes allow you to define custom fields for the Event which can be used anywhere using [Event.AttributeName].