Chip File

RACE RESULT disposable transponders such as the Chip Race Number are programmed with the bib number. In other words, chip number (or chip code) is the same as bib number. In this case, you do not need a chip file!

However, if you are working with reusable transponders such as the RACE RESULT HuTag or the ActivePro Transponder you need to map chip codes to bib numbers. A Chip File can be entered or imported in Main Window->Chip File. Simply enter chip code and bib number in the table.

A chip file can be imported from an Excel, TXT or CSV file with the corresponding Bib and Chip Code fields. 

You can also search the chip file by Chip Code or Bib to lookup specific participants. 

If you are using passive transponders with a chip file and need to map a different chip and bib numbers then you should pay attention to the Chip File Settings. You can also create a two-step mapping for transponders which may be pre-labelled but where chip label is not necessarily equal to bib number. 


Chip File Settings

There are 3 options for Chip File settings which affect how the chip file or Transponder1 / Transponder 2 fields are used.


"Use chip file or transponder fields only for Transponder Codes (e.g., DHANX23). Chip Codes (e.g., 1423) cannot be used in the chip file or transponder fields. Normal passive transponders programmed with the bib number can also be used. [Recommended for most events]"

This is the most common option, it allows you to use Transponders with alpha-numeric codes (Active Transponders, HuTags, Reusable ShoeTags or A-Z Transponders) or assumes that if a numerical chip code is received then Chip Number = Bib Number

Below this are 2 options for how transponder codes are then mapped to a participant.

"Search bib from chip file table in field bib no. [default]" - The bib number in the chip file table will be matched against the bib field of the participants.

Chip Code -> Bib Number
(for example: ZDXED44 -> 44)

Alternatively, you can create a two-step mapping using "Search bib from chip file table in transponder fields [caution]"

Chip Code -> Chip Number -> Bib Number
(for example: ZDXED44 -> 744 -> 44)

The chip ZDXED44 has a sticker with its chip number 744. ZDXED44 and 744 will be entered in the chip file table. In the participants Transponder 1 or Transponder 2 field the chip number should be entered. In the example above, bib number 44 has chip number 744.

The main advantage is that you can more easily assign chip numbers to participants. Instead of handling complex chip codes such as ZDXED44, you only need to enter 744.


"Transponder Codes (e.g., DHANX23) or Chip Codes (e.g. 1423) can be used in the chip file or transponder fields. Normal passive transponders programmed with the bib number can also be used."

In this mode you can use transponders with alpha-numeric codes, and can also map non-matching bib and chip codes. In this mode if a passive transponder with a chip number is scanned it is first checked against the chip file, and assigned to the corresponding bib, if there is no mapping for this chip to a bib then it is assumed that for this chip the Chip Number = Bib Number. 


"Transponder Codes (e.g., DHANX23) or Chip Codes (e.g., 1423) can be used in the chip file or transponder fields. Normal passive transponders programmed with the bib number will not be recognized unless they appear in the chip file or transponder fields! In other words, with this option you must use either a chip file or the transponder fields for every participant in the event."

In this mode you can use transponders with alpha-numeric codes, but if you use normal passive transponders then the chip code must be mapped to a bib number. Any chips which are not allocated in the chip file or transponder fields will be treated as unknown transponders.