
TFirst(a;b) scans the results a to b and returns the first time entered (Lowest ID).

e.g. TFirst(1;10) - returns the time from the result with the lowest ID from Results with ID from 1 to 10

The function TFirst(a;b;c;d) retrieves all times in the results with IDs a to b and sorts them from smallest to largest.
It then only considers the cth best to dth best result and returns the first time of these (=lowest ID).

e.g. TFirst(1;10;1;3)  - Returns the result with the lowest ID from the smallest 3 times from Result IDs 1-10

TFirst(a;b;c;d;1) corresponds to TFirst(a;b;c;d), but sorts the times in descending order.

TFirst(a;b;0;0;0;c) scans the results a to b and returns the cth time entered.

e.g. TFirst(1;10;0;0;0;3)  - Returns the result of the 3rd result (according to Result IDs) which has been entered from Result IDs 1-10


TRFirst(a;b), TRFirst(a;b;c;d), TRFirst(a;b;c;d;1) and TRFirst(a;b;0;0;0;c) has the same functionality as TFirst() but use the rounded time values.


TRFirstID(a;b), TRFirstID(a;b;c;d), TRFirstID(a;b;c;d;1) and TRFirstID(a;b;0;0;0;c) has the same functionality as TFirst() but returns the ID of the result that holds the first time.


TRFirstText(a;b), TRFirstText(a;b;c;d), TRFirstText(a;b;c;d;1) and TRFirstText(a;b;0;0;0;c) has the same functionality as TFirst() but returns the formatted time of the result.


TFirstName(a;b), TFirstName(a;b;c;d), TFirstName(a;b;c;d;1) and TFirstName(a;b;0;0;0;c) have the same functionality as TFirst()  but return the name of the result that holds the first time.


TTFirst() takes an arbitrary list of result IDs and returns the first time entered according to the order of the results in the list. 

e.g. TTFirst(11;21;31;41) - returns the first time from the list of results 11,12,14,13 in that order


TTRFirst() has the same functionality as TTFirst() but returns the rounded time of the first result.


TTFirstID() has the same functionality as TTFirst()  but returns the ID of the first result.


TTFirstText() has the same functionality as TTFirst() but returns the formatted time of the first result.


TTFirstName() has the same functionality as TTFirst() but returns the name of the first result.


TTFirstIndex() has the same functionality as TTFirst() but returns the position in the list of the first result. 

e.g. TTFirstIndex(10;20;30;40) - returns a number 1-4 according to the first result of 10,20,30 & 40 which holds a time