The function TSum(a;b) calculates the sum of the times in the results with IDs a to b.
TSum(10;12) - equivalent to nz(T10)+nz(T11)+nz(T12)
The function TSum(a;b;c;d) retrieves all times in the results with IDs a to b, sorts them from smallest to largest and then calculates the sum of the best results from positions c to d.
TSum(10;15;1;2) - sums the two best times of the results 10 to 15. TSum(10;15;3;3) - returns the third best time of the results 10-15.
TSum(a;b;c;d;1) corresponds to TSum(a;b;c;d), but sorts the times in descending order.
TRSum(a;b), TRSum(a;b;c;d) and TRSum(a;b;c;d;1) have the same functionality as TSum() but use the rounded time values.
TTSum() takes an arbitrary list of result IDs and returns the sum of the times in those IDs
TTSum(10;20;30;40) - equivalent to nz(T10)+nz(T20)+nz(T30)+nz(T40)
TTRSum() has the same functionality as TTSum() but uses the rounded time values.