
TMin(a;b) returns the minimum time or value from results with ID a to b

e.g. TMin(1;10) - returns the minimum time from the Results with ID from 1 to 10


TRMin(a;b) has the same functionality as TMin() but uses the rounded time values.

e.g. TRMin(1;10) - returns the minimum time from the Results with ID from 1 to 10 using rounded time values.


TMinID(a;b) has the same functionality like TMin() but returns the ID of the result that holds the minimum time.

e.g. TMinID(1;10) - returns the ID of the result with the minimum time from the Results with ID from 1 to 10


TMinText(a;b) has the same functionality like TMin() but returns the formatted time of the result.


TMinName(a;b) has the same functionality as TMin() but returns the name of the result that holds the minimum time.

This can only be used directly in output lists or in user-defined fields / functions, it cannot be used in Results as it returns a text value.

e.g. TMinName(1;10) - returns the name of the result with the minimum time from the Results with ID from 1 to 10


TTMin() takes an arbitrary list of result IDs and returns the minimum time or value from those results. 

e.g. TTMin(11;21;31;41) - returns the minimum time from the list of results 11,12,14,13


TTRMin() has the same functionality as TTMin() but returns the rounded time of the result that holds the minimum time. 


TTMinID() has the same functionality as TTMin() but returns the ID of the minimum result.


TTMinText() has the same functionality as TTMin() but returns the formatted time of the minimum result. 


TTMinName() has the same functionality as TTMin() but returns the name of the result that holds the minimum time.


TTMinIndex() has the same functionality as TTMin() but returns the position in the list of the result which holds the minimum time. 

e.g. TTMinIndex(10;20;30;40) - returns a number 1-4 according to which result of 10,20,30 & 40 holds the minimum time


TMinIf(a;b;c;d) returns the minimum time from results with ID a to b, which is greater than or equal to c but less than or equal to d.

e.g. TMinIf(1;10;3600;3900) - returns the minimum time from Results with ID from 1 to 10, which is greater than or equal to 1h and less than or equal to 1h05m


TMinIfID(a;b;c;d) has the same functionality like TMinIf(), but returns the minimum ID of the results with ID a to b, which is greater than or equal to c but less than or equal to d.