Setup Precautions

Reader Warning

The Track Box Passive will report a reader Warning or Error if the noise and interference is too high, when this is reported you should expect a reduction in read rates. The warning is also indicated by the LED Blink Codes and when using RACE RESULT 12, will be shown in the Timing Tab. 

Upon receiving a warning it is advised to immediately check for any source of interference, this may be as simple as somebody standing in front of the box or you may need to address the mounting position of the box. 

Setup of Multiple Systems

Track Boxes should not be set up in close proximity to other timing systems such as other Track Boxes (which are not paired using Dual Box Synchronisation) or Decoders with folding ground antenna / high-gain antennas. 

When set up with overlapping read zones then you should expect a severe reduction in read rates, for this reason a minimum distance of 20m should be observed between multiple systems.

Mounting Surroundings

The Track Box Passive is sensitve to any materials placed close to the box, especially metal.

The front and sides of the Track Box should be kept completely clear of any material with a minimum radius of 10cm, as shown in diagram D below. The more free space around the box, the better. 

For example, when mounting on a tripod the metal screw of the tripod if positioned incorrectly may cause interference on the reader. Raising the Track Box at least 10cm above this point will reduce the interference. 


Track Boxes on the Ground

When setting up Track Boxes on the ground, ensure the lower section of the box has an unobstructed view of transponders. Any obstruction such as wet grass, leaves, or branches will limit the field of view of the lower internal antenna significantly!

Similarly, the Track Box should not be below the surface of the road, in this setup, the lower antenna has a partially restricted field of vision and creates a zone in which the transponder cannot be read.

In the diagrams above, we can see that when the Track Box is below the surface of the road the field of detection is restricted. The lower antenna can only transmit above the surface of the road thus the field is much higher up, this has an even greater impact when transponders are further from the Track Box. 

Additionally, it is important to ensure the ground is flat, on cambered roads for example the Track Boxes may be angled higher up. Over wider timing points, this may result in an area in the middle where transponders cannot be detected. 

Other common mistakes include:

Mounting Under Covers

In particular for long-term installations, it is recommended to mount the box under a cover, such as a solar panel, for sun and weather protection. 

When doing so ensure not to have any part of the cover (especially metal) close to the antenna. In the diagrams below the red circle indicates the range which should be kept clear of any interference, example A shows the solar panel too close to the Track Box which may cause interference.

The antenna's peak signal should be facing where you expect to have transponders at the furthest distance, as indicated by the dashed line. 

In the diagrams below example B would be a better setup offering good range, example C would be even better but comes with a higher risk of being blocked by something or somebody as shown in example D.

Labeling Devices

We do not recommend placing a sticker on the front of the device as this can cause radio interference. Some inks contain carbon particles that can affect radio signals and paper stickers can absorb water which will also reduce signal strength.