After Save Actions

The After Save Actions are saved at the completion of the kiosk after all other fields have been saved. This allows for additional actions to be completed which can store useful information about the participant. 

After Save Actions can be filtered to only apply to specific participants. 

Save Value

Save Value allows saving of data to an additional field, the value which should be stored should be written as a standard Expression and may use any additional Functions or User-Defined Fields / Functions. This could for example be used to set a checkbox to true or a timestamp to a textfield using the now() function. 

Save Certificate

The selected certificate will be generated and stored on the server as a link in the desintation field, note that if working offline these will be stored to the local server inside the RACE RESULT 12 installation folder. When choosing a certificate the value defines which template should be created. This may be useful for digital waivers which can be timestamped with the creation time and include the signature captured in an edit step. 

Print Certificate

The kiosk can also print a certificate layout after save, this requires the RACE RESULT Web Server to be running on the computer running the kiosk. 

When selecting which certificates to print you can choose to either always use the default printer, or you can select which printer to use for each certificate on the first print. 

When selecting the printer for a certificate a dialog will be shown on the first print attempt to select a printer for the corresponding certificate. This setting is saved locally in the browser window until the page is re-loaded. 

Send E-mail

Send E-mail will trigger the sending of the selected Email/SMS Template which could be used for registration confirmation.