Email/SMS Templates

You can create an arbitrary number of templates which can be used for registration confirmation e-mails, results SMS as participants finish or sending bulk e-mails with important event information. 

When creating a new template and first choose the Type:

Email Templates

Select the Receiver Field (default: Email) which contains the email address(es) which should receive the emails.

You must also provide a sender E-mail which is the e-mail displayed to the recipient. You can optionally set the sender name, cc/bcc email addresses and a reply-to e-mail address. .

The e-mail Subject and Content can use fields and expressions for dynamic content, you must ensure to wrap all fields or expressions in square brackets. 

Content can be written as either plain text or in full HTML, if you use an external editor for your e-mail layouts note that some of these include code to prevent simply copying and pasting the content in to a third-party plartform.

You can also attach certificates or files to the email.

E-mail templates are multi-lingual and so a single template can contain the content for multiple languages. When sending an e-mail template through RACE RESULT 12 the value of the default Language field will be used to determine which language the participant should receive. If this field empty or there is no template for that language for a particpiant then this will revert to the current language used in the software.

Important: you can send only a maximum of 10 emails through the RACE RESULT SMTP server, not including automatic registration confirmation e-mails. This allows you to test the email functionality, but does not allow you to send bulk e-mails.

If you want to send more than 10 messages, you will need to enter the details of your own SMTP server in bottom left corner. Note that many standard e-mail platforms impose strict limits on SMTP connections and may not work reliably if at all. 


Select the Receiver Field (default: CellPhone) which contains the phone number(s) which should receive the message and sender name (max. 11 characters). The content of the message can only be defined as plain text, note that the maximum message length is 160 characters and everything thereafter will be cut. For SMS including Emojis or other Unicode special characters, the length is limited to 70 characters.

Important: sending SMS is not for free! You will have to log in with your account and RACE RESULT will charge you one participant credit per SMS.

Web Service Call

The web service call asks for a method (GET / POST) and a URL that will be built by an expression. The function urlencode() may be helpful for that. Example:

"" & [bib] & "&name=" & urlencode([FirstName] & " " & [LastName])

Additionally, you can define HTTP headers and save the result in an additional text field.

More Options

Sometimes you may wish to define alternative recipient addresses for e-mails / SMS, by default the Receiver Field will be set to the standard E-mail or CellPhone fields but you can choose from any of your additional fields of type Text Field. If you want to send the same Email or SMS template to multiple recipients then you can create a semi-colon separated list of values in the field which will be used as the Receiver FIeld for the relevant template. 

A Default Filter is helpful if you want to make sure that the template will be sent only to certain participants. Later when sending the messages you can still change the filter, but you cannot forget to enter the filter. So for example to make sure the template will only be sent to participants in contest 2 enter the filter:


Setting an Additional Check Box can also be very helpful so that you know to whom you have already sent the message.

You may want to combine this function with the default filter: Set Check Box when the message was sent and use this default filter:

[Contest]=2 AND [CheckBoxName]=0


When sending an attachment it is important to define a file extension. For example, If you wanted to send a certificate as a .pdf file you would need to write the Attachment Name with the extension .pdf. Note that the name "Certificate" can be changed to whatever you want.


When sending group e-mails the filter can be defined to apply to either the first (by GroupRegPos), last (by GroupRegPos), all or any (1) participant of the group

Email SMTP setup

When sending emails from RACE RESULT 12 you can use our servers to send a maximum of 10 emails (excluding automatic registration confirmation emails), or you can connect your own SMTP server to send a much larger amount.

You will need to find the settings for your mail server SMTP, these are normally available from your hosting provider, normally the username will be your email address with the corresponding password. 

When setting up your SMTP server for the first time it is advisable to test this by sending an e-mail to yourself, this can be done in a test event by adding yourself as a participant. 

Here are some common SMTP server settings. Please note that these settings change and might only be accurate up to the date this was written 3/17/2020.

Office 365 SMTP Settings

  • Server address:
  • Port: 587
  • Encryption: TLS

Outlook SMTP Settings

  • Server address:
  • Port: 587
  • Encryption: TLS

GoDaddy SMTP Settings Americas

  • Server address:
  • Port: 465 or 587
  • Encryption: SSL

Gmail SMTP Settings

  • Server address:
  • Port: 587
  • Encryption: TLS

Gmail requires an extra level of security. You will need to generate an additional password on your Gmail account in order to use Gmail with RR12. This generated password will be used instead of your normal Google account password.

Email SMTP Errors

Connection Refused

This error occurs when the SMTP server you are trying to connect to refuses the connection. A few things to consider when getting this error.

  • What are the limits of your email provider? Most providers limit the number of emails that can be sent in a given amount of time.
  • Is your email address out of space? If your email is running out of space you may run into issues sending multiple emails.

Incorrect authentication data

  • This error occurs when your SMTP settings are incorrect for your email address.

Automatic E-Mail Error Notifications

If there is an error sending the email during online registration, an error message will be sent to the customer's email address.

This will contain the event ID and time, as well as the trigger (context) and the error description.


Dear Joe,

An error occured in event 123456:


AfterSave actions of registration "Single-Registration", ID 123

error sending email in AfterSave actions: no email given

We kindly ask you to check and if possible fix the problem. Feel free to contact us in case you have any questions about this issue.

Kind regards,

Common errors:

Error: error sending email in AfterSave actions: no sender given
Explanation: There is no sender in the email template used to send after registration.

Error: error sending email in AfterSave actions: no subject given
Explanation: There is no subject in the email template used to send after registration.

Error: error sending email in AfterSave actions: no email given
Explanation: The field for the participant's email address is not requested/saved in the registration form.

Error: error sending email in AfterSave actions: error sending email: gomail: could not send email 1: 450 4.1.2 <>: Recipient address rejected: Domain not found
Explanation: The email could not be sent because the participant's address could not be reached. This is very often a typo.

Error: error sending email: gomail: could not send email 1: 450 Requested mail action not taken: mailbox unavailable
Mail send limit exceeded.
Explanation: The sending limit of the mail server used has been reached because most providers have set limits to protect against spam mail.

Error: error sending email in AfterSave actions: error sending email: gomail: could not send email 1: 450 4.7.1 <>... has exceeded 5000 messages per 1 day
Explanation: The sending limit of the mail server used has been reached because most providers have set limits to protect against spam mail. Here with the detailed information that the daily limit of 5000 messages has been reached.

The ID listed in the context is the ID of the participant whose registration triggered the error.