General Result Settings

Subtract start time (T0) - the start time (T0) will be subtracted from the passing time and the result (race time) will then be stored in the results. Only activate this if your timing system is using GPS Time / Time of Day. 

Ignore chip reads before start time (T0): This option only relevant for legacy events which do not use Timing Points set to Raw Data Mode. All reads before the start (T0) will be ignored.

The following settings are applied accordingly to each specific Contest. 

Minimum Lap Time: Minimum Lap Time defines a minimum time to be used for laps. This also applies for the Start rule to define the maximum Start time and when Number of Laps is 1, defines the minimum time for the Finish rule.

Number of Laps: Defines the number of laps expected for the Contest, this value will be used for the Finish rule. Also used for the field [Contest.Laps] and if greater than 0 will enable the use of Raw Data Lap Rules.

Time Format

A Time Format determines how times are displayed on lists and certificates. Times are saved in number of seconds, and thus need to be converted into an easy-to-read text such as 35:23.12. Time formats can be defined for each contest in the Contest Settings and also separately for each result.

Days, Hours, Minutes and Seconds

Hours are presented by h, minutes by m, seconds by s and decimals by k. In addition, g represents hours in 1-12 format and a and A create am/pm and AM/PM.

In other words, the time format h:mm:ss,kk creates times like 1:23:45,67. The time format mm:ss will format a time of 78 minutes as 78:00. However, if the hour is added to the time format, the time will be formated as 1:18:00.

The number of ks determines the number of decimal places. The format mm:ss,kkk creates times like 10:00,003 or 10:00,950, the format mm:ss,k on the contrary times like 10:00,0 or 10:00,9.

Times can be expressed in days using the base format D:hh:mm:ss.KKK Days are represented by d. For multi day events this can be a useful format.

For example D:hh:mm:ss will convert 36:00:00 to 1:12:00:00 (1 day, 12 hours). Using D\dhh:mm:ss will format times over 24 hours to include days. Eg. 1d12:00:00

Leading Zeros

If you do not want to show leading zeros, you can use the capital letters H and M. The format H:mm:ss creates a time of, for example, 1:05:12, but also 58:02. h:mm:ss on the contrary would show 0:58:02.

Removing Units

It's sometimes useful to cut particular units from a time before displaying it, particularly when working with multi-day events that go past 24 hours but where you want to display a Time of Day. Entering a % before the time format will remove the value of any units which are not included. 

For example, a format of %hh:mm:ss will remove the days or multiples of 24 hours if the time value is greater than 24:00:00, 36:00:00 would be shown as just 12:00:00.

Negative Times

Sometimes you may have to deal with negative times. By default, negative times are not shown, but if you put a minus sign before the time format, negative times will be formatted as well. Using the time format -h:mm:ss, a time of minus 20 minutes would be formatted as -0:20:00, whereas h:mm:ss would show nothing.

Gap Times

If you want to show gap times, you may want to display a minus or plus sign before the time. If you put a "+" before the time format, times are formatted as -0:20:00 or +0:30:00.

Escaping Characters

Similar to the colon, you can insert other characters into the time format that will not be replaced. If, however, you would like to insert a placeholder character (e.g. h or m), you can escape these characters by putting a backslash before the character. The time format h\hmm would format the time 08:36:00 as 8h36.

Other Time Formats

  • UTC: Creates UTC time stamps (based on the event date, time zone and DST settings defined under Main Window > Event > Basic Settings), in the following format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.kkkZ
    Example below:

    Returns a timestamp which looks like this:


    You can use rounded times to display decimals, or not.

Time Rounding

Using Time Rounding, times can be rounded up and down to a certain number of decimal places.

You can define the time rounding for each contest in the Contest Settings and for each result. If a time rounding is set for a result, times of that result will be rounded accordingly. However, if no rounding is selected for the result, the rounding of the contest will be considered.

The time rounding affects the Time Fields Time (Time, Time1, Time2, ..) and RoundedTime (RoundedTime1, RoundedTime2, ...equivalent to TR1, TR2, ..) .