REST API Interface

The REST interface allows retrieval of data from systems which are uploading to the RACE RESULT servers, this includes RACE RESULT decoders which are uploading via TCP and Track Boxes. The REST API allows for commands to be sent to decoders for remote control.

For communication with the REST API you will need an API Keys for the Customer ID you wish to access.

Endpoint URL

All commands for the REST API interface should point to:

You should ensure to include Connection: close in all calls to ensure the connections are not left open which may cause our servers to activate security protocols which will block your IP address. 


In order to access the REST API you will need to authenticate using an API key for the Customer ID which will generate an authorization token. 


API keys can be generated by each user within the RACE RESULT customer account page. API keys are hidden by default but can be displayed & copied easily. 

Each API key is unique and tied to the specific customer ID, an API key is valid until it is deleted by the user.

Generating Access Token

An access token is generated using the /token command. 

This command uses a POST request with the API key included in the request HEADER as follows:

apikey APIKeyHere

The command will return the Access Token

Using the Access Token

The access token should be included in the Headers for each subsequent command request as Bearer Authorization.

Your header should include the access token in the following format

Authorization Bearer AccessTokenHere

Note that each token is only valid for a fixed period of time, after which point it should be regenerated, by default tokens are valid for 7200 seconds (2 hours).

In normal practice, applicationss will use the same token until a 401 error status is received, at which point you will attempt to generate a new token and retry the failed request. 


Commands available through the rest interface include:

  • Listing available devices and statuses
  • Listing available files from systems
  • Retrieving passings 
  • Send decoder commands (Remote Control)
  • Check REST interface status

Commands are sent via either GET or POST requests (according to the specific request) and will use the token generated during authorization. 

Response data is returned in JSON format, according to the command sent in specified data Models.

URL Parameters

{customerID} - The ID of the customer which should be queried (Integer)

{deviceID} - The ID of the device which should be queried (String)

{FileNo} - The file number to be queried (Integer)


HTTP Status Codes

200 - OK

400 - Bad Request

500 - Internal Server Error

List Devices

GET .../customers/{customerID}/devices

Returns all devices with their status for the given customer

Query Parameters

deviceIDs (String) - Comma separated list of Device IDs to query

connected (bool) - If set to true response is limited to only devices which are currently reported as online

Response Format

   "Devices": array[Device Status]

Get Device Status

GET .../customers/{customerID}/devices/{deviceID}

Returns the status of the specified device

Response Format

Device Status

List Files

GET .../customers/{customerID}/files

Returns all files belonging to the given customer

Query Parameters

deviceIDs (String) - Comma separated list of Device IDs to query

Response Format

   "Files": array[ Device File Metadata

List Device Files

GET .../customers/{customerID}/devices/{deviceID}/files

Returns all files of the specified device

Query Parameters

files (string) - Comma separated list of file numbers (integer) to be queried. Invalid file numbers will be ignored.

latest (bool) - If true returns only the latest file. See alternate response below.

Response Format

   "Files": array[ Device File Metadata ] 

Alternative Response Format

   "File": Device File Metadata

Get File Metadata

GET .../customers/{customerID}/devices/{deviceID}/files/{fileNo}

Returns the metadata of the passing file from the specified device / file number.

Response Format

Device File Metadata

Get Detections (File)

GET .../customers/{customerID}/devices/{deviceID}/files/{fileNo}/detections

Returns the content of the passings file with the given device ID / file number

Query Parameters

fromDetection (integer) - The minimum passing/trackping number to start with (default: 1)

amount (integer) - The amount of detections to send from the file, if there are less detections available then the max available will be sent

download (integer) - Set 1 to download as a file (.txt format)

Response Format

array[ Detection Data ] 

Get Detections (Multi)

GET .../customers/{customerID}/devices/{deviceID}/detections

Returns all detections for the given device ID

Query Parameters

fromFile (integer) - The minimum file number to be queried (default: 1)

fromDetection (integer) - The minimum passing/trackping number to start with (default: 1)

amount (integer) - The amount of detections to send from the file, if there are less detections available then the max available will be sent

download (integer) - Set 1 to download as a file (.txt format)

Response Format

array[ Detection Data

Send Decoder Command

POST .../customers/{customerID}/devices/{deviceID}/cmd

Sends a command to a device and returns the result

Query Parameters

command (string) - The command to be sent to the device

Response Format

   "Response": String

Service Health

GET .../health

Returns OK (HTTP 200) is the service is up and running


The following commands have been deprecated and should not be used. They will continue to work for existing implementations until otherwise notified. 


In the REST API interface all responses are returned in JSON format, data fields are returned in alphabetical order. 

Access Token

Contains an access token. The access token authenticates the customer in all further calls. An access token expires after a few hours.

Header Format Description
access_token String The newly generated access token
expires_in Integer Expires in X seconds from the time of this requiest
token_type String To be used in the Authorization Header: token_type access_token

Device Status

A status holder that can contain either a status for either an Ubidium System, Decoder or Track Box. Note that the format of response may differ according to the device type. 

Values - Ubidium

Header Format Description
ActiveExternal Ubidium Active  
ActiveInternal Ubidium Active  
Customer Integer  
ConnStatus Integer enum[Disconnected, Connected, Bad Connection]
Data Ubidium Data  
Passive Ubidium Passive  
Position Position  
Power Ubidium Power  
Settings Ubidium Settings  
System Ubidium System  
Time Ubidium Time  


Values - Decoder / TrackBox

Header Format Description
Customer Integer  
DeviceID String  
Received String DateTime
DeviceName String  
FileNo Integer  
BatteryCharge Integer  
Temperature Number Float
RecordsCount Integer  
IsRunTime Bool  
RealTime String DateTime
RealTimeAtRequest String DateTime
RunTime Number Double
Only filled if RealTimeAtRequest is before 1000-01-01, indicating a zero start event.
RunTimeAtRequest Number


Only filled if RealTimeAtRequest is before 1000-01-01, indicating a zero start event.

UTCOffset Integer  
TimeZoneName String  
Position Position  
Connected Bool  
DeviceType String enum[Decoder, TrackBox]
DecoderStatus Decoder Status  
TrackboxStatus Track Box Status  


Ubidium Status


Header Format Description
Boxes array[ Beacon ]  
Channel Integer  
Connected Bool  
LoopID Integer  
LoopStatus Integer  
LoopPower Integer  



Header Format Description
Installed Bool  
Level Integer  
Remaining Integer  
State Integer  



Header Format Description
FileNumber Integer  
PassingID Integer  
PassingNo Integer  



Header Format Description
Battery1 Ubidium Battery


Battery2 Ubidium Battery  



Header Format Description
Boxes array[ Beacon ]  
Channel Integer  
Connected Bool  
LoopID Integer  
LoopStatus Integer  
LoopPower Integer  



Header Format Description
DeadTime Integer  
ReactionTime Integer  



Header Format Description
DeviceID String  
DeviceName String  
Firmware String  
Temperature Integer  



Header Format Description
DeviceTimeAtRequest String DateTime
Offset Integer  
Received String DateTime
Time String DateTime

Decoder Status

Decoder status values


Header Format Description
Protocol Number Float
Firmware String  
Antennas String 8 characters 0 or 1 to represent which antenna ports are connected
HasPower Bool  
Ext12Volt Number


Voltage on the 12V power input

IsInTImingMode Bool  
ReaderIsHealthy Bool  
TimeIsRunning Bool  
ReaderTemperature Number


Temperature in °C

DeadTime Integer  
ReactionTime Integer  
Notification String  
UHFFrequency Integer  
TimeSource Integer  
AutomaticStandbyEnabled Bool  
IsInStandby Bool  
ErrorFlags Integer  
ActiveExtension Beacon  
ActiveBoxes array[ Beacon ]  

Track Box Status

Track Box Status values


Header Format Description
Protocol Integer  
Channel Integer 2.4Ghz Channel Index (0...7)
MemoryLeft Integer  
Noise Integer  
Cell String  
LAC String  
Satellites Integer  
Session String  
BoxVariant String enum[ ATrack, PTrack ]
PowerStatus String enum[ BATTERY, POWER, SUNNY, SHADY, ERROR ]
ReaderStatus String enum[ ON, NOSYNC, SYNC, MULT, OFF, WARN, ERROR ]
NetPLMN Integer  
NetProvider String  
NetSignal Integer  



GPS position location of the system at the time of upload

Header Format Description
Altitude Integer  
Flag String

Additional information about the systems position / movement at the time of upload.

  • U : Unknown
  • S : Box was stationary within the last minute
  • M : Box was moving within the last minute
  • T : Box was moving with a speed of at least 5km/h in the last minute
  • X : Position may not be accurate (box has moved since last GPS fix)
Latitude Number Double
Longitude Number Double


Active Box beacon information

Header Format Description
BeaconIndex Integer  
BeaconLQI Integer


BeaconRSSI Integer  
BeaconTimestamp String  
Channel Integer  
ChannelSwitchingMode String  
Connected Bool  
ID Integer  
LoopID Integer  
LoopPower Integer  
LoopStatus Integer  
Mode Integer  
NoiseAvg Integer  
NoisePeak Integer  
PowerConn Integer  
PowerStatus Integer  
SinceLastSeen Integer Duration as nanosecond count
TransLQI Integer  
TransRSSI Integer  

Device File Metadata

Metadata of the passings / trackping file

Header Format Description
Count Integer  
Created String


Customer Integer  
DeviceID String  
FileNo Integer  
FilePos Position  

Detection Data

Detection data represents an abstract class which may return one of the following according to the request: 

Ubidium Detection

Ubidium Detection Data

Header Format Description
act_data Active Passing Data

Active passing data

hits Integer Hits count
id Integer Internal ID of the passing
internal String Internally calculated code
loc Passing Location Location of the device at the time of passing
(Omitted if empty)
no Passing Number Passing file reference
rssi Integer RSSI Value of active passing
src Passing Source Device data of passing
time String


Full DateTime of the passing

time_offset Integer Time zone offset of device at time of passing
transp Transponder Data

Transponder data of passing


Active Passing Data

Header Format Description
channel Integer Active passing channel
flags Integer Status / Warning Flags
(Omitted if empty)
loop_id Integer Active passing Loop ID
loop_only Bool True if the passing was generated in store mode
(Omitted if empty or false)


Passing Location

Header Format Description
alt Number Float
lat Number



long Number Float


Passing Number

Header Format Description
file Integer Passing file number
no Integer Passing number within the file


Passing Source

Header Format Description
customer Integer Customer ID passing was retrieved from
device_id String Device ID
device_name String Device name
(Omitted if empty)
input String Name of the (sub) device that generated the passing


Transponder Data

Header Format Description
active Active Transponder Data Additional active transponder data
(Omitted if empty)
id String Transponder ID
passive Passive Transponder Data Additional passive transponder data
(Omitted if empty)


Active Transponder Data

Header Format Description
bat Integer Transponder battery data at time of passing
Divide by 10 to retrieve true battery Voltage
temp Integer Transponder temperature at time of passing
wuc Integer Transponder wake-up-count


Passive Transponder Data

Header Format Description
order_id Integer The OrderID for the transponder

Decoder Passing

A decoder passing record

Header Format Description
Battery Number


Active Transponder battery voltage (v)

Channel Integer Active Channel on which the passing was recorded
Code String Transponder code or number
Customer Integer Customer ID the passing was uploaded to
DeviceID String ID of the device which recorded the passing
DeviceName String Name of the device which recorded the passing, as of the time of upload
FileNo Integer File number the passing is saved to
Hits Integer Hits count 
InternalActiveData* Integer Status Flags for Active passings
InternalData String Internally calculated code
IsActive Bool True if generated from an Active Transponder
LoopID Integer Active Loop ID on which the passing was recorded
LoopOnly Bool Is true if the passing was recorded in Store mode
MaxRSSIAntenna Integer The passive antenna port which recorded the passing
OrderID Integer The OrderID for the transponder
Position Position  
PassingNo Integer PassingID within the file
RSSI Integer RSSI Value of active passing
Temp Integer Active Transponder recorded temperature
IsRunTime Bool Is true if the RealTime date is before 1000-01-01, indicating a zero start event (Not using GPS time or synced computer time)
RealTime String


Full DateTime of the passing

RunTime Number


The run time as a value in seconds, only filled if RealTime is before the date 1000-01-01, indicating a zero start event.

UTCOffset Integer System UTC Offset at the time of the passing
WUC Integer Transponder wake-up-count


A Trackping record

Header Format Description
TrackpingNo Integer Trackping ID within the file
Customer Integer Customer ID the trackping was uploaded to
DeviceID String Device ID which recorded the Trackping
FileNo Integer File number the Trackping is saved to
BoxType String enum[ ATrack, PTrack ]
DeviceName String Name of the device which recorded the Trackping as of the time of recording
Code String Transponder code or number
Time String


Full DateTime of the Trackping

BoxTime String


Timestamp of the device when sending the Trackping

Received String


Timestamp of the server when the Trackping was received

Cell String Mobile network cell
Hits Integer Hits count
LAC String Location Area Code
MinRSSI Integer Minimal RSSI value of Trackping
MinTime String


Timestamp the minimal RSSI was recorded

OrderID Integer Order ID of the transponder
PeakIndex Integer Index of the highest RSSI value
RSSI Integer RSSI value of Trackping
Position Position Position of the device at the time the Trackping was recorded
BoxPosition Position Position of the device at the time the Trackping was uploaded

Basic Example

This basic example looks at the first steps in using the REST interface, it looks at how to:

  • Retrieve an access token
  • Check which systems are online for the customer
  • Check System Status
  • Retrieve the passings from a specified file
  • Retrieve all passings from a specified starting point

This example was achieved using Postman a useful tool for API development, we are hiding the auto-generated headers and information. This example is purely exemplary of how the commands can be used, please reference the full command documentation for detailed descriptions of functions. 

Generating Token

A POST request is sent to the token command using the apikey



This access token will be used for all subsequent commands.

Listing Available Systems

We now want to see which devices are currently available, so call the devices command with the parameter connected=true, the authorization token is now sent in the header as a bearer authorization.



With this, we receive a list of all systems which are currently connected to the Customer ID specified in the URL to which the API key corresponds. We have the current running information of the system and the full decoder status. 

In particular, we will take note of the FileNo (52), this indicates the device's current file number which we will use to retrieve the desired passings. 

Check System Status

Once we have the device we want to use, we can periodically check the system status, this allows us to check if it is still connected, or displaying any errors. 

The devices command when used with a specific device ID in the URL returns the status for that system. 



Focusing on the DecoderStatus we can see that ErrorFlags returns a value of 16 which is due to the Loop Error on the system (with no loop connected). 

Retrieve Specific Passings File

Expanding on this further we can now call the passings file which we know is currently active (52), this command will attempt to return all passings for that file.

Note that the maximum which can be returned in a single call is 10,000, if the command returns more than 10,000 it will return an error and you will need to use the fromPassing and amount parameters additionally.

It is recommended to always specify an amount of passings to return to prevent running into errors. 



Here the full passing record is returned, you may wish to only select fields which are relevant to your application, a full explanation of the passing record is available here.

Retrieve All Passings from Starting Reference

During timing you may want to simply return all passings from when you open a connection regardless of the file number, this can be achieved using the passings command with no file number specified in the URL path but instead supplied as query parameters. 

In this example we want to retrieve all passings starting from file 52 onwards, a new file was created (53) with a marker to signify the start of the file. 



We have PassingNo 3 from file 52 returned and then the next passing is PassingNo1 from file 53. In subsequent calls, we could now start from this reference point.