In some circumstances, you may wish to retrieve the current configuration and status from a Track Box when checking this online is not possible. This can be achieved using the SMS protocols of the Track Box.
If you send INFOSMS to a TrackBox via SMS, the box replies to the sender with an SMS with the following data.
For example:
T-20705 TEST 10000 TCP NORM 75% 12V2 WLAPN.DE user password 49.05804,008.47132
It is further possible to store a default phone number on a Track Box which should receive an INFOSMS which can be triggered by double pressing the button.
The default phone number can be set by using the Online Portal, Track Box Configuration Rules or via SMS configuration. The phone number will permanently be stored on the device unless overwritten. The required format of the default phone number is explained with the Custom Rules. When storing the default phone number this will additionally trigger the INFOSMS to send, so setting a global Track Box Configuration rule for this will trigger every device connected to your account to send its data to the default phone number.
When the button is double pressed the SMS will be sent immediately to the stored phone number, or this can also be triggered by a custom rule using a custom Track Box Configuration rule with INFOSMS=+0.
The Track Box will still reply to other phone numbers sending a direct INFOSMS command via SMS. The permanent number is then ignored and not changed.
INFOSMS may be useful in the following situations
- A Track Box is not online and you need to check the current configuration
- A Track Box will not connect and you want to see if it has a network.
- When setting up a box somewhere remote and want to quickly check if everything is alright before leaving and it may not be possible to check this online.
- You are unsure of which box somebody has so by double-pressing the button you will receive the INFOSMS identifying the device.
- You want to find out the phone number of a SIM card / box. Sending INFOSMS=+491234567890 with your phone number via the Online Portal or Track Box Configuration Rules will set the default phone number and trigger the Track Box send a message to your phone.
Important Remarks
The INFOSMS will only work if your SIM card allows sending of SMS and if your SIM card has a phone number, both of which are not always true for M2M SIM cards.