Result Functions are used to compare an individual participants results.
Most use the format TFunction(a;b) where a and b define the range of Result IDs which should be considered.
Some functions have additional parameters which are explained with the function. There are further additional variations of each function which are also explained within.
TCount(a;b) counts how many times are entered in the results with ID a to b.
TCountIf(a;b;c;d) counts how many times in the results a to b are greater than or equal to c but less than or equal to d, where c and d are times entered as seconds.
TTCount(a;b) takes an arbitrary list of result IDs and counts how many times are entered in those results
e.g. TTCount(10;20;30;40) - returns how many times are entered in the Results with IDs 10,20,30 & 40
The function TSum(a;b) calculates the sum of the times in the results with IDs a to b.
TSum(10;12) - equivalent to nz(T10)+nz(T11)+nz(T12)
The function TSum(a;b;c;d) retrieves all times in the results with IDs a to b, sorts them from smallest to largest and then calculates the sum of the best results from positions c to d.
TSum(10;15;1;2) - sums the two best times of the results 10 to 15. TSum(10;15;3;3) - returns the third best time of the results 10-15.
TSum(a;b;c;d;1) corresponds to TSum(a;b;c;d), but sorts the times in descending order.
TRSum(a;b), TRSum(a;b;c;d) and TRSum(a;b;c;d;1) have the same functionality as TSum() but use the rounded time values.
TTSum() takes an arbitrary list of result IDs and returns the sum of the times in those IDs
TTSum(10;20;30;40) - equivalent to nz(T10)+nz(T20)+nz(T30)+nz(T40)
TTRSum() has the same functionality as TTSum() but uses the rounded time values.
TMin(a;b) returns the minimum time or value from results with ID a to b
TRMin(a;b) has the same functionality as TMin() but uses the rounded time values.
TMinID(a;b) has the same functionality like TMin() but returns the ID of the result that holds the minimum time.
TMinText(a;b) has the same functionality like TMin() but returns the formatted time of the result.
TMinName(a;b) has the same functionality as TMin() but returns the name of the result that holds the minimum time.
This can only be used directly in output lists or in user-defined fields / functions, it cannot be used in Results as it returns a text value.
TTMin() takes an arbitrary list of result IDs and returns the minimum time or value from those results.
e.g. TTMin(11;21;31;41) - returns the minimum time from the list of results 11,12,14,13
TTRMin() has the same functionality as TTMin() but returns the rounded time of the result that holds the minimum time.
TTMinID() has the same functionality as TTMin() but returns the ID of the minimum result.
TTMinText() has the same functionality as TTMin() but returns the formatted time of the minimum result.
TTMinName() has the same functionality as TTMin() but returns the name of the result that holds the minimum time.
TTMinIndex() has the same functionality as TTMin() but returns the position in the list of the result which holds the minimum time.
e.g. TTMinIndex(10;20;30;40) - returns a number 1-4 according to which result of 10,20,30 & 40 holds the minimum time
TMinIf(a;b;c;d) returns the minimum time from results with ID a to b, which is greater than or equal to c but less than or equal to d.
e.g. TMinIf(1;10;3600;3900) - returns the minimum time from Results with ID from 1 to 10, which is greater than or equal to 1h and less than or equal to 1h05m
TMinIfID(a;b;c;d) has the same functionality like TMinIf(), but returns the minimum ID of the results with ID a to b, which is greater than or equal to c but less than or equal to d.
Tavg(a;b) calculates the average of the times in Results with ID from a to b
TRAvg(a;b) has the same functionality as TAvg() but uses the rounded time values.
TTAvg() takes an arbitrary list of result IDs and returns the average of the times or values in those results
TTAvg(10;20;30;40) - returns the average time of results 10,20,30 & 40
TTRAvg() has the same fnuctionality as TTAvg() but uses the rounded time values
TMax(a;b) returns the maximum time or value from results with ID a to b.
TRMax(a;b) has the same functionality as TMax() but uses the rounded time values.
TMaxID(a;b) has the same functionality as TMax() but returns the ID of the result that holds the maximum time.
TMaxText(a;b) has the same functionality as TMax() but returns the formatted time of the result that holds the maximum time
TMaxName(a;b) has the same functionality as TMax() but returns the name of the result that holds the maximum time.
This can only be used directly in output lists or in user-defined fields / functions, it cannot be used in Results as it returns a text value.
TTMax() takes an arbitrary list of result IDs and returns the maximum time or value from those results.
e.g. TTMax(11;21;31;41) - returns the maximum time from the list of results 11,21,31,41
TTRMax() has the same functionality as TTMax() but returns the rounded time of the result that holds the maximum time.
TTMaxID() has the same functionality as TTMax() but returns the ID of the maximum result.
TTMaxText() has the same functionality as TTMax() but returns the formatted time of the result that holds the maximum time.
TTMaxName() has the same functionality as TTMax() but returns the name of the result that holds the maximum time.
TTMaxIndex() has the same functionality as TTMax() but returns the position in the list of the result which holds the maximum time.
e.g. TTMaxIndex(10;20;30;40) - returns a number 1-4 according to which result of 10,20,30 & 40 holds the maximum time
TMaxIf(a;b;c;d) returns the maximum time from results with ID a to b, which is greater than or equal to c but less than or equal to d.
e.g. TMaxIf(1;10;3600;3900) - returns the maximum time from Results with ID from 1 to 10, which is greater than or equal to 1h and less than or equal to 1h05m
TMaxIfID(a;b;c;d) has the same functionality like TMaxIf(), but returns the minimum ID of the results with ID a to b, which is greater than or equal to c but less than or equal to d.
TFirst(a;b) scans the results a to b and returns the first time entered (Lowest ID).
The function TFirst(a;b;c;d) retrieves all times in the results with IDs a to b and sorts them from smallest to largest.
It then only considers the cth best to dth best result and returns the first time of these (=lowest ID).
TFirst(a;b;c;d;1) corresponds to TFirst(a;b;c;d), but sorts the times in descending order.
TFirst(a;b;0;0;0;c) scans the results a to b and returns the cth time entered.
TRFirst(a;b), TRFirst(a;b;c;d), TRFirst(a;b;c;d;1) and TRFirst(a;b;0;0;0;c) has the same functionality as TFirst() but use the rounded time values.
TRFirstID(a;b), TRFirstID(a;b;c;d), TRFirstID(a;b;c;d;1) and TRFirstID(a;b;0;0;0;c) has the same functionality as TFirst() but returns the ID of the result that holds the first time.
TRFirstText(a;b), TRFirstText(a;b;c;d), TRFirstText(a;b;c;d;1) and TRFirstText(a;b;0;0;0;c) has the same functionality as TFirst() but returns the formatted time of the result.
TFirstName(a;b), TFirstName(a;b;c;d), TFirstName(a;b;c;d;1) and TFirstName(a;b;0;0;0;c) have the same functionality as TFirst() but return the name of the result that holds the first time.
TTFirst() takes an arbitrary list of result IDs and returns the first time entered according to the order of the results in the list.
e.g. TTFirst(11;21;31;41) - returns the first time from the list of results 11,12,14,13 in that order
TTRFirst() has the same functionality as TTFirst() but returns the rounded time of the first result.
TTFirstID() has the same functionality as TTFirst() but returns the ID of the first result.
TTFirstText() has the same functionality as TTFirst() but returns the formatted time of the first result.
TTFirstName() has the same functionality as TTFirst() but returns the name of the first result.
TTFirstIndex() has the same functionality as TTFirst() but returns the position in the list of the first result.
e.g. TTFirstIndex(10;20;30;40) - returns a number 1-4 according to the first result of 10,20,30 & 40 which holds a time
TLast(a;b) scans the results a to b and returns the last time entered (Highest ID).
The function TLast(a;b;c;d) retrieves all times in the results with IDs a to b and sorts them from smallest to largest.
It then only considers the cth best to dth best result and returns the last time of these (=highest ID).
TLast(a;b;c;d;1) corresponds to TLast(a;b;c;d), but sorts the times in descending order.
TLast(a;b;0;0;0;c) scans the results a to b and returns the cth last time entered.
TRLast(a;b), TRLast(a;b;c;d), TRLast(a;b;c;d;1) and TRLast(a;b;0;0;0;c) have the same functionality as TLast() but use the rounded time values.
TLastID(a;b), TLastID(a;b;c;d), TLastID(a;b;c;d;1) and TLastID(a;b;0;0;0;c) have the same functionality as TLast() but return the ID of the result that holds the last time.
See TLast() for examples of using this.
TLastText(a;b), TLastText(a;b;c;d), TLastText(a;b;c;d;1) and TLastText(a;b;0;0;0;c) have the same functionality as TLast() but return the formatted time of the result.
See TLast() for examples of using this.
TLastName(a;b), TLastName(a;b;c;d), TLastName(a;b;c;d;1) and TLastName(a;b;0;0;0;c) have the same functionality as TLast() but return the name of the result that holds the last time.
See TLast() for examples of using this.
TTLast() takes an arbitrary list of result IDs and returns the last time entered according to the order of the results in the list.
e.g. TTLast(11;12;14;13) - returns the last time from the list of results 11,12,14,13 in that order
TTRLast() has the same functionality as TTLast() but returns the rounded time of the last result.
TTLastID() has the same functionality as TTLast() but returns the ID of the last result.
TTLastText() has the same functionality as TTLast() but returns the formatted time of the last result.
TTLastName() has the same functionality as TTLast() but returns the name of the last result.
TTLastIndex() has the same functionality as TTLast() but returns the position in the list of the last result.
e.g. TTLastIndex(10;20;30;40) - returns a number 1-4 according to the last result of 10,20,30 & 40 which holds a time
T(x) returns the value in result x as decimal value.
Avoid using the T() function for Formula Results - it creates major dependencies within your file!
See also TR(), TText(), TName().
TR(x) returns the rounded time in result x as decimal value.
Avoid using the TR() function for Formula Results - it creates major dependencies within your file!
DMaxMin(a;b;c) scans the results a to b and returns the maximum of times less than c, where c is a time value entered as seconds.